Why Won’t My Parakeets Mate?
The first thing that needs to be understood is that the Parakeets don’t have separate reproductive organs for mating like mammals.
All male and female Parakeets have an opening called ” cloaca, “located below their tail feathers.
This acts as the common tract for all the digestive, reproductive, and urinary functions. Cloaca is also called the vent.
Though the cloacas of the females and male Parakeets appear to be similar from the outside, they have different reproductive functions on the inside.
This cloaca starts swelling during the breeding season, which indicates that Parakeets are ready to mate.
The male begins to lure the female Parakeet by doing activities like bobbing his head, hopping from one perch to another, cleaning his feathers with his beak, and rubbing his beak on the female’s beak.
When the female Parakeet decides to be his mate, she will raise her tail feathers and expose her cloaca. This hints to the male Parakeet that she’s willing to mate.
The male will then approach the female Parakeet’s back, and they will soon start rubbing their cloacas.
This action is often termed ” cloacal kiss ” and lasts just a few seconds. At this time, the sperm leaves the male’s cloaca and goes into the female’s cloaca.
They often try to mate many times a day to ensure success in fertilization until the female Parakeet starts the egg-laying process.
How To Get Parakeets To Mate?

Mating the Parakeets is not as difficult as you think if you follow the proper steps.
Following are the tips that will guide you on how to get your Parakeets to mate: Determining the Right Pair It is good to know that you can choose the
Parakeet’s sex by having a look at its appearance. Female Parakeets, when young, have a light ring at each nostril which is not found in male Parakeets. Their cere begins to turn rough as they mature and often gets tannish brown.
On the other hand, Male Parakeets have a blue-colored cere, located on the fleshy region beside the nostrils.
The nostrils are blue, and the cere and the nostrils may have lavender or pinkish colour in some other varieties of male Parakeets.
No Breeding Without Bonding You must understand that unless the pair forms a strong bond with each other, breeding would be difficult.
Just select the pair you want to breed and put them in a spacious cage with all the time they need to bond with each other.
Knowing that a proper bond has been created once you start seeing the male feeding the female Parakeet by sitting on the same perch.
Let The Breeding Condition Arrive Parakeets usually reach the breeding age when they turn one year old.
You will also notice a brownish cere on the hen, which indicates that it is time to prepare the nesting boxes for your pet birds.

How Often Do Parakeets Mate?
Parakeets may mate numerous times a day. The female Parakeets may start laying one egg every single day or every other day until the entire clutch is found in the nest.
They may lay up to four or five clutches every breeding season, with each clutch having three to eight eggs.
How To Make My Parakeets Mate?
” How Long Until The Parakeets Mate?” Is this the question you currently have in your mind?
Note that spring is considered the best time for the Parakeets to mate.
This is because their hormones will be at their peak during the spring season, leading to healthy baby Parakeets.
Wooden nest boxes are highly recommended for encouraging the breeding process.
When Do Parakeets Mate?
” When Are Parakeets Ready To Mate? “you may ask. When you start seeing a solid bond and proximity between the pairs, realize that they are ready to mate.
You may often notice the female Parakeet sharing food with her partner, being on the same perch. She would often lift her tail, which clearly showed that she was ready to mate.
Food For Breeding Parakeets
Well, when you notice the mating behavior in your Parakeets, let them spend more time together without creating any disturbance.
Also, note that if their cage is large enough with all the food and water supplies and perches, then it’s good.
But if you realize that the cage is too small, you may have to buy them a more oversized pen. ( More space means comfortable living for both the parents and the chicks).
How Do You Know When Parakeets Are Ready To Mate?
” How To Tell When Parakeets Are Ready To Mate? ” If this question troubles you, then don’t worry as we have an appropriate answer to this question.
Keeping your favorite pair of Parakeets together doesn’t mean that breeding will instantaneously happen.
Breeding demands the right time and the right atmosphere.
Once they reach their maturity age and develop a strong bond, they will be seen together most of the time, perching and feeding together, often preening each other’s feathers.
The male Parakeet will start enticing his female companion with behaviors like fluffing his feathers and bobbing his head.
The female Parakeet will closely observe his behaviors but won’t respond immediately.
The male will consistently try to court his female companion and is often trying his best to stimulate her by tapping her beak.
These kinds of behavior will continue until the female Parakeet decides to be his mating partner.
And eventually, as the female Parakeet gets convinced, she will start lifting her feathertail high in the air, exposing her cloaca, which signifies that she is ready to mate.
This will make the male Parakeet approach her, and they will soon begin the ” Cloacal Kiss ” by touching each other’s cloaca.
What Do Parakeets Need To Mate?
You will start noticing proximity between the Parakeet pairs, which is the first sign of sexual maturity.
The female Parakeet would be seen sharing her food with her male companion, and they may also be noticed perching closer.
Eventually, she will start lifting her tail, which indicates that she is ready to mate.
- Interesting Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat? If So, How Much?
- All About Parakeets Making Noise & Sounds
- Can Parakeets Live Alone? + Do Parakeets Need a Companion
- All About: Parakeets Breeding Behaviour!
What Happens When A Brother And Sister Parakeet Mate?
You must understand that breeding should always happen between the Parakeets having different genes, and they should not be related as siblings.
Mating between a brother and a sister Parakeet is more likely to produce various defects in the baby, including movement disorders, one eye, difficulty in flying, and one leg.
When A Parakeet Mate Dies?
No, Parakeets don’t mate for life, and they prefer having only one mate and love interacting to raise their chicks.
Most Parakeet species are considered monogamous( which means they prefer to have only one mate at a time).
But, if, for some reason, the Parakeet’s mate dies, they will mourn their loss, and once the situation gets back to normal, it would be looking for another mate to raise their offspring.
Do Ring-Necked Parakeets Mate For Life?
Yes, Parakeets do mourn the loss of their mates. Like any other being, Parakeets also have strong feelings for their partner once they form a strong bond with their mate.
Mourning implies the love and care for each other, which is no longer possible. Parakeets, being monogamous, form a strong bond with their partners for a very long time.
It is often found that the loss of a mate makes the Parakeet stressed, creating mental trauma in them. It is recommended to talk about the matter to your vet in such cases.
You may also notice some behavioral changes in your little friend, like changes in sleeping and eating patterns, too much head bobbing, feather fluffing, or showing aggression.
It would be best to give them all the care and attention they need in such situations.
Why My Parakeets Are Trying To Mate?
You may start noticing some strange behavior in your Parakeets, which may be a good sign. The good news is that this may be a hormonal behavior indicating that your Parakeets are ready to mate.
And this happens when the pair bonds well together and reaches their age of maturity.
Also, they often show signs of courtship and regurgitation, which indicates that this is the right time for them to mate.
So, what should you do now?
Well, you should celebrate their decision of mating. You also need to ensure a proper diet for them, which is extremely important at such a time.
A wooden nest box is also needed. In short, you must understand that they have formed a strong bond with each other and are therefore more likely to mate.
Can Parakeets Mate With Direct Family Members?
No. Parakeets should never mate with direct family members. Mating between a brother Parakeet and a sister
Parakeet is usually seen when they stay in the same cage until their maturity. During this period, you may start seeing the male.
Parakeets try to entice their daughters and sisters, and the female Parakeets often try to mate with their sons and brothers.
When you put the Parakeets of the same family in the same cage, they will mate when maturity is reached, which is often termed inbreeding.
However, this is not a good idea. This may weaken their overall genetics and can cause infertility in eggs and some severe defects in the offspring such as movement disorders, one eye, sterile chicks, weakness, and much more.
There may also be some serious internal problems in the offspring, challenging their survival and even causing death at a young age.
Breeding only for profit is not a good thing, and one must prevent inbreeding at all costs to ensure the proper health of offspring.
Also, you must ensure that the pet birds have reached their appropriate age of maturity before letting them mate.
Can Parakeets Mate Without A Nesting Box?
Yes, Parakeets can mate without a nesting box.
As the male and female Parakeets start knowing each other well and having better interaction with each other, they will eventually mate at the appropriate time.
Having said that, if you desperately want your Parakeets to mate, then it is better to provide them with a nesting box, along with a proper diet.
This will ensure their proper health during the mating period.
Can Parakeets Lay Eggs Without A Mate?

Yes, female Parakeets can lay eggs even without a mate as the production of eggs occurs in them anyway.
This happens due to hormonal activation to produce eggs. In such a case, the egg development process will begin despite not having a mate.
But as there was no mating involved in the process, the eggs won’t get fertilized, and hence they won’t hatch into chicks.
At What Age Do Parakeets Mate?
Parakeets usually become capable of mating at six months of age, but they should not be allowed to mate until they reach a minimum age of 10 months.
Once Parakeets reach their maturity period, the male Parakeets can mate for six years while the female Parakeets can mate for four years.
- Recommended Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Talk? If So, What Percentage & Age?
- Are Parakeets Endangered? If So, Why & What Species
- All You Need To Know About Parakeets Mating
- Can Parakeets Fly? If So, How Far?
Can Two Female Parakeets Mate?
If you keep two female Parakeets together, they are also likely to form a good bond with each other.
When they have no other option, and when they reach the age of maturity, they are more likely to show affection for each other. This mainly happens
because they’re confused, and you may also find them masturbating, which is normal. This is something you don’t need to worry about.
Short Summary
There is no need to worry about Parakeet’s mating when you pay a little attention to their behavioral changes and take the necessary steps when needed.
Parakeets will naturally begin to come close to each other at the time of mating.
The female Parakeets will start laying eggs soon after the mating process and sit on those eggs for up to 20 days until the eggs begin to hatch.
The first step you must take is to choose the right pair of Parakeets ( fortunately, you can determine their sex by their overall appearance).
The second tip is to ensure the proper health and diet of the Parakeets, and they must not have any ailments.
The third tip is to give them enough time to interact and bond with each other and avoid any distraction or disturbance.
The fourth tip is to have patience and let the right breeding time come once they reach the age of maturity.
Also, make sure that the cage is large enough for the breeding pair. You must also include a wooden nest box with a lid on top to observe the eggs and the Parakeets.
They should get a highly nutritious diet containing fruits, green veggies, seeds, and pellets. You must also provide clean water to them.

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