How Often Do Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets may breed many times a day until the egg development in the female Parakeet begins. The female Parakeet may begin laying eggs every day and lay up to 6 eggs during the breeding period.
These female Parakeets can have up to 5 clutches per breeding period.
They usually keep laying eggs every other day until a complete clutch is seen in their nest. So, the breeding in Parakeets happens more frequently during the breeding season until the egg-laying process in the female Parakeet begins.
How Do Parakeets Breed?
It is essential to ensure that your Parakeets have started bonding and enjoying each other’s company before expecting them to mate.
When your pair of Parakeets start forming a close bond with each other, and when they reach the appropriate age of sexual maturity, many things will happen.
Eventually, when the breeding period comes, they will start coming close to each other.
The male Parakeet will feed his female partner and spend more time in her proximity, and he will consistently make attempts to court her. The male Parakeet may also start tapping her beak to stimulate her.
When the female Parakeet gets convinced by this behavior, she will eventually start lifting her tail and exposing her vent, and this would indicate to the male Parakeet that she is ready to breed.
After that, the male Parakeet will approach the female companion and position himself behind her back, rubbing each other’s cloaca and depositing the sperm in her vent. This process is often called ” cloacal kiss. “
This breeding usually continues multiple times a day, and the female Parakeet will start laying eggs after a few days. The average clutch will have four to six eggs.
How To Make Parakeets Breed?

There are specific requirements that you must fulfil before making your Parakeets breed.
Ensure that the pair you chose is a proper pair of male and female, which their appearance can observe, and they should not be from the same family.
Then, it would help if you allowed bonding between the two Parakeets, which means you need to let them know each other well.
It would help if you then waited for the breeding time to come. (Breeding won’t happen unless they reach the right age of maturity).
Also, it would help if you offered a variety of healthy and nutritious foods to them. And the pair shouldn’t have any health issues.
They need proper light and darkness ( preferably 12 hours each). Sunlight also helps female Parakeets synthesize Vitamin D, which ensures adequate egg development.
They would also need a large-sized cage with a wooden nest box for a proper breeding setup.
How Many Times A Year Do Parakeets Breed?
Most Parakeets may lay 3 to 4 clutches of eggs every breeding year, with each clutch having up to 8 eggs.
And they may continue to lay eggs every alternating day unless they see the entire clutch of eggs in their nest.
When Do Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets usually enter the breeding period after six months. But they should not be allowed to breed unless they reach at least ten months of age.
This is important because unless the Parakeets are allowed to reach a proper age of maturity, they won’t be able to become good parents.
Hence you must have patience and let the right time come. Once these Parakeets reach their appropriate age of maturity and find the time and bond to be suitable, they would naturally get involved in the breeding process.
A male Parakeet can breed for six long years, while a female Parakeet can breed for four years.
What Time Of Year Do Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets are most likely to breed during the spring season. Though they may also generate at other times of the year (like in summer), it is in the spring season when hormonal stimulation occurs at its best, and breeding at this time would give birth to healthier hatchlings.
What Month Do Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets can breed at any month of the year when the breeding conditions are appropriate, and they reach the proper breeding age.
However, the chances of breeding are higher during the spring season as that is when their hormonal activation occurs to the fullest.
How Long Do Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets usually breed every alternating day until the egg-laying process in the female Parakeet begins. The female Parakeets then continue laying eggs until they see a full clutch in the nest.
Each clutch would typically contain up to eight or nine eggs.
Will Parakeets Breed Without A Nest?
Yes! Parakeets can breed without a nesting box, provided you tick all the breeding requirements such as proper diet and clean water, proper daylight and good rest, bonding between the pair, a spacious cage, and the appropriate time to breed.
But getting them a nesting box would ensure better health and breeding environment, which also increases the chances of the newborn’s survival.
What Age Can Parakeets Breed?
The right age of sexual maturity of a Parakeet depends upon its species. Mostly, Parakeets reach their age of maturity at six months of age, but they are still too young to breed.
The best time for breeding would be when Parakeets turn at least ten months old.
Do Parakeets Breed In Captivity?
Yes, Parakeets can breed in captivity. The chosen pair must form a strong bond with each other first.
Also, if they get the right-sized cage, plenty of healthy foods, proper nesting materials, 12 hours of daylight, and good interaction with their partners, they will indeed breed when the right time comes.
How Do Parakeets Breed In Captivity?
When Parakeets reach the appropriate time for breeding, they will begin to close to each other. They might be seen eating their food together or simply spending more time together. The male Parakeet would probably lure his female partner to get her attention.
As the female Parakeet starts showing interest in him, she would eventually lift her tail, indicating that she is ready to mate.
They will then start rubbing their vents together and get involved in a ” cloacal kiss. ” This is how they will breed in captivity.
- Interesting Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat? If So, How Much?
- All About Parakeets Making Noise & Sounds
- Can Parakeets Live Alone? + Do Parakeets Need a Companion
- All About: Parakeets Breeding Behaviour!
Why Won’t My Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets won’t breed unless they get the right time and environment.
Breeding has a lot to do with patience, and many pet owners don’t see chances of breeding even when everything seems right.
A highly nutritious diet is an essential part of breeding. Proper nutrition ensures proper health in birds for breeding.
You must include pelleted foods, seeds, fresh fruits, and vegetables in your Parakeet’s diet. The female Parakeets must also consume cooked eggs and shells for protein and calcium.
It would help if you also had a large, spacious cage for these little birds with a proper nesting material like a wooden nest box.
You must also give them enough time to spend with each other, ensuring proper bonding and enhancing the chances of successful breeding.
Please make sure they are in a quiet place with the slightest disturbance.
In short, you should never get desperate for breeding. The proper steps and the right time would decide breeding in Parakeets.
Colony Breeding Parakeets Breed
Colony breeding is when more than one female and male Parakeets are put together in an aviary. There may also be multiple wooden nest boxes available in the cage for breeding.
In most cases, breeders who have an aviary prefer the colony breeding process, as they are least interested in spending cash on buying individual cages for separate pairs.
Though this seems a convenient method for breeding, there are dangers associated with this breeding process.
First of all, they wouldn’t have the freedom to choose the nest of their choice ( as there would be other pairs too), and there won’t be enough space for the Parakeets to run away from a fight especially in the breeding season.
The female Parakeets may also attempt to destroy each other’s nests, which would undoubtedly threaten the offspring’s life.
One major problem with colony breeding is that it increases the chances of inbreeding (pairing of related Parakeets), leading to congenital disabilities and abnormalities in newborn chicks.
What To Feed Breeding Parakeets?
Breeding Parakeets need plenty of fruits, green leafy veggies, and mixed seeds.
They also need good quality pellets in their diet, freshly chopped vegetables like carrot, broccoli, cucumbers, green peppers, spinach, cooked eggs with shells, dried and fresh seeds mix (like white millets, flax seeds, red millets, and canary seeds), calcium, and minerals.
They also enjoy egg foods before the breeding season, suitable for their overall breeding fitness. Cuttlefish bone is also a good source of calcium which should be included in their diet.
You can offer them fresh fruits like apples, bananas, strawberries, mangoes, peaches, oranges, cherries, raisins, pears, and grapes.
Also, avoid giving them fried foods, biscuits, or cheese as these are not good for their health. It’s better to keep them away from the reach of junk foods.
And seeds high in fat like sunflower seeds or flax seeds should be given fewer quantities.
How To Start Breeding Parakeets?
The first thing you need to consider while breeding Parakeets is choosing the right pair, which must be unrelated.
They should also be free from diseases and deformities.
Moreover, you can quickly determine the sex of the Parakeets by their appearance.
Then you must make sure that the pair of Parakeets should form a strong bond with one another before expecting them to breed.
This requires time and patience, and you must never hurry in such situations.
The more they spend time with each other, the more the chances of a strong bond.
Parakeets won’t be ready to breed unless they reach the right age of maturity. So, it would help if you waited unless they turn ten months of age, which is considered the appropriate time for breeding.
Also, it’s far better to breed individual pairs than choose colony breeding for your little birds for the proper health of hatchlings. And the chances of fighting are rare in unique breeding, and the chances of egg damage are lower.
You need to select a proper cage for breeding, preferably spacious and large. Attaching a wooden nest box to the cell will ensure appropriate care and observation of the eggs.
Also, there must be sufficient perches inside the cage.
Parakeets also require a sufficient amount of daylight as they are more likely to breed in longer days. You can also use full-spectrum lighting to extend the supply of daylight.
They also require a nutrient-rich diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, mixed seeds, pellets, cooked eggs, and calcium supplements.
Food For Breeding Parakeets
Your Parakeets would need a wide variety of healthy and nutritious foods, including mixed seeds, fresh fruits, leafy and chopped vegetables, and protein and calcium-rich foods.
Some best fruits for your breeding Parakeets are apples, melons, papaya, oranges, guava, grapes, pears, peaches, pineapples, and blueberries. Offer vegetables like carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, ripe tomatoes, radish, cauliflower, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
Also, remember that your pet birds would need more nutrients when breeding, so you must make sure they get enough food to eat.
You should also hang a minimum of two water bottles on top of their cage to ensure proper hydration of these little birds.
Remember that Parakeets may start eating their eggs when they get enough food. So, make sure to offer them sufficient quantities of healthy foods. And avoid giving them junk or fried foods.
Don’t forget to add cuttlebone and calcium supplements to your Parakeet’s diet, as they need a lot of protein and calcium for the proper development of eggs.
Cross Breeding Parakeets
Crossbreeding is the process of breeding two Parakeets of different species. It’s important to know that crossbreeding is impossible in Parakeets because these tiny creatures are not genetically similar.
They are the species of the genus Melopsittacus and can only breed with birds of the same species.
Expecting your Parakeets to crossbreed can be a dangerous decision as this may cause infertility and abnormalities in the offspring.
Species capable of breeding with each other have a common genus, but Parakeets are the only species of the same genus, which signifies there are no close relatives of these pet birds.
Hence it is not safe for Parakeets to crossbreed as there are higher chances of deformities and abnormalities and infertility in the offspring.
When Will Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets reach the age of sexual maturity and breeding when they become 3 to 6 months old. However, this is not considered the appropriate age for breeding as they still need to be a bit more mature.
Your parakeets should turn at least ten months old for breeding.
Also, Parakeets require the appropriate conditions for breeding. One essential factor is that they must get to know each other well. Unless they spend a lot of time together and form a strong bond with one another, breeding is less likely to occur in the Parakeets.
Parakeets Breeding Box
A breeding box can be of great help in breeding the Parakeets. A breeding box is a small wooden box often used by pet owners as an area where the Parakeets can lay eggs.
These boxes are found attached outside or inside the main cage.
Breeding boxes ensure proper nesting conditions and keep the eggs safe and secure.
They also keep the eggs at a steady temperature and encourage the female Parakeets to breed and lay eggs.
If you have been thinking of breeding your favourite pair of Parakeets, getting them a nest box would eventually increase the egg-laying chances of the female Parakeet.
Parakeet’s Breeding Behavior
Once the pair of Parakeets become friendly, they would start spending more time together. You may also find them eating food, preening, and perching together.
The male Parakeet is seen chiefly bobbing his head and fluffing his feathers.
He might also attempt to sing in such situations.
The female Parakeet, on the other hand, would observe these behaviors of her male companion.
The male Parakeet might also try to tap her beak with his beak to cause stimulation. When the female feels ready to breed, she would gradually lift her tail and wings, which will make her male partner approach her.
They will then rub each other’s cloaca and perform the ” cloacal kiss. “
- Recommended Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Talk? If So, What Percentage & Age?
- Are Parakeets Endangered? If So, Why & What Species
- All You Need To Know About Parakeets Mating
- Can Parakeets Fly? If So, How Far?
Parakeet’s Breeding Cage
The breeding cage of Parakeets also plays an essential role in ensuring the proper breeding of these tiny birds.
It should be large and spacious, having dimensions of at least 20 by 20 by 20 inches, including a wooden nest box measuring at least 12 by 12 inches.
Some pet owners and breeders like to include a wooden surface at the bottom of the nest box to prevent eggs from splaying.
Also, appropriate nesting materials should be used (such as pine shavings).
A giant nest with a wooden box always enhances the chances of proper breeding.
Breeding Parakeets In An Aviary
Breeding Parakeets in an aviary might seem cost-effective, but it has its dangers too. The Parakeets won’t be able to choose their nests freely as multiple pairs are living together.
Also, when they don’t get along well with other birds, they might get involved in a fight ( especially during the breeding season). In such cases, they wouldn’t have enough space to escape the fight.
You might also notice the splitting up of a few pairs, and the female Parakeets might try to destroy other nests out of jealousy and rage.
Inbreeding can also be a possibility in an aviary which means the offspring will have defects and deformities of various kinds.
Breeding Parakeets At Home
Breeding Parakeets at home is way better than colony breeding as there are no potential dangers of fighting, splitting, or inbreeding.
You must choose the right pair of Parakeets, give them healthy and nutritious food to eat, buy a spacious cage along with a wooden nest box and allow the team to spend some time together to know each other well and help them form a strong bond before breeding.
Breeding Parakeets For Color
All Parakeets contain a base colour, either white or yellow. Parakeets with white bases are primarily blue, while those with yellow floors have green bodies.
Note that yellow bases are considered dominant, which means breeding between a white-based and a yellow-based Parakeet would give yellow-based hatchlings.
Also, the lesser the dark spots, the brighter the colour of the Parakeet.
Breeding Parakeets For Profit

For running a successful Parakeet breeding business, you can either go for colony breeding or buy individual cages for each pair of Parakeets.
Though many breeders find colony breeding to be more affordable, it is not as beneficial as buying separate cages for the pair of Parakeets, ensuring more chicks and healthy breeds.
You must also include a wooden nesting box for better breeding conditions.
Take proper care of your Parakeets and provide them with the necessary conditions for breeding.
Once these pet birds are ready to be sold, you can contact the pet shop owners and talk business.
When Can Parakeets Breed?
Parakeets can breed when they reach a certain age of sexual maturity.
In most cases, they get mature once they are 6
months old, but that might not be the appropriate age for breeding.
You must allow your minor pairs to reach at least ten months of age before they can breed.
What Do You Need To Breed Parakeets?
The first and the essential requirement for breeding is proper health.
You must ensure that they don’t have any disease before allowing them to breed.
You should also choose the right pair of Parakeets and make sure they are unrelated.
They should also reach the appropriate age of sexual maturity( at least ten months old) before the breeding process.
Ensure that the cage is spacious and large enough for the pair, along with a wooden nest box. Wooden boxes should also contain appropriate nesting materials.
They must eat various nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables, good quality pellets, mixed seeds, calcium supplements, and clean water for better health.
Your favorite pair of Parakeets must also spend some time together to form a strong bond, which is again an essential breeding step. Hence it is better to give them the time they need to know each other well.
Also, don’t forget to keep the place noise-free.
Parakeets would also need proper lighting (at least 12 hours) as they are more likely to breed in longer days.
This light would also help synthesize Vitamin D in female Parakeets for the proper development of eggs.
Patience and the right time are the Parakeets’ two most essential breeding elements.
Parakeets must first reach the proper age of breeding.
Also, you must choose the right pair and make sure they are not from the same family.
Once you choose the pair of parakeets, make sure they are free from diseases or congenital disabilities.
And keep in mind that there is no breeding without bonding.
It would help if you gave them enough time to spend with each other and keep the environment free from noise and disturbance.
Your Parakeets must get a healthy, nutritious diet daily, and this includes fruits, leafy veggies, mixed seeds, best quality pellets, and cuttlebones. They must also get a clean water supply.
The cage must be spacious and large, with a wooden nest box attached to it.
Your Parakeets must also get sufficient daylight and enough rest at night.
It is always better to breed Parakeets individually than opt for colony breeding.
If you can choose the right pair of Parakeets, take proper care of them, ensure their better health and diet, set the right conditions for breeding, and wait for the right time to come, you will surely see your little birds breeding.

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