Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat? If So, How Much?

Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat

Parakeets are tropical birds, and they prefer living in moderate temperature conditions(around 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit). So, Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat?

Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat?

Yes, Parakeets Tolerate heat. If the temperature goes beyond the moderate range (exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit), it becomes way too uncomfortable for your pet bird to withstand heat.

Putting your parakeet in direct sunlight on hot sunny days can cause overheating, which can be very risky.

Also, getting them outdoors in hot summers can make them overheated in no time.

Scorching temperatures like these can be fatal for the Parakeets as that may cause heatstroke in them within a few minutes.

Hence, it is essential to protect your parakeet from extreme heat and ensure they are at moderate temperature.

Keep them inside in a cool place on hot sunny days as they might get overheated ( they do not have any sweat glands to release the heat).

Having your room air-conditioned is the best solution to prevent overheating in your parakeets and maintain an ideal room temperature. (If you can not have an air conditioner or are more relaxed, you can regularly spray water after every few hours to help them retain the moisture).

You can also place a birdbath inside their cage to keep them calm and relaxed. But put fresh water in the birdbath.

Can Parakeets Die From Heat?

can parakeets die from heat
can parakeets die from heat

Yes, excessive heating can cause death in parakeets. You need to ensure that the temperature inside your room should not be too hot.

Placing their cage in direct sunlight or overheated areas can be dangerous. So put their pen in a comparatively more relaxed place, away from direct heat or sunlight. This overheating, if not controlled, can become fatal for your pet birds.

Yes, excessive heating can cause death in parakeets. You need to ensure that the temperature inside your room should not be too hot.

Placing their cage in direct sunlight or overheated areas can be dangerous. So put their pen in a comparatively more relaxed place, away from direct heat or sunlight. This overheating, if not controlled, can become fatal for your pet birds.

You can sprinkle cool water on your parakeet at regular intervals in the summer season. An air-conditioned room helps best in maintaining the room temperature.

Despite taking all the preventive steps, if you find any panting, stress, or unusual behavior in your parakeet, you must consult an avian vet as early as possible.

Can Parakeets Handle Heat And How Much?

Parakeets are tropical birds, and they survive best in moderate temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Scorching temperatures become unfavorable for them, which may also cause heatstroke in a few minutes.

These little birds can handle maximum heat of up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit without feeling too uncomfortable.

Temperatures beyond 85 degrees can become troublesome, and overheating can lead to serious health problems like heat stroke (in a few minutes). Such sweltering conditions can also lead to their death.

Can Parakeets Be Outside In The Heat?

As parakeets are tropical birds, they like being in warmer places. But too much heat is not suitable for their survival. Also, it becomes difficult for them to tolerate excessive heat from the sun if they stay outside for a prolonged period.

This intense heat can be hazardous for these parakeets as they might not feel comfortable. Overheating would eventually cause severe problems like difficulty in breathing, exhaustion due to heat, or heatstroke.

This may also cause the death of these parakeets if we do not take any preventive measures and place them away from the heat.

Can Parakeets Take The Heat?

” Can Parakeets Stand Heat? ” you may ask. Well, the answer is yes.

They can live in warm temperatures as long as they are moderate and not exceedingly high for these birds to tolerate. If the temperature starts exceeding 85 degrees Fahrenheit, it becomes incredibly difficult for the parakeets to withstand the heat.

This overheating can cause serious trouble in your pet bird, such as uneasiness, exhaustion due to heat, and in extreme cases, heatstroke.

Therefore, it is essential to keep them away from excess heat, or your little friend’s life can be in danger.

How Long Can Parakeets Be In The Direct Sunlight?

how long can parakeet be in the direct sunlight
how long can parakeet be in the direct sunlight

It is not safe for your parakeets to stay exposed to direct sunlight. Excessive heat is always dangerous for Parakeets to survive in moderate temperatures.

Too much heat is sure to cause serious health issues in them.

Though they may enjoy a little bit of warmth and heat (something that is not extreme), the parakeets can be in direct sunlight for up to a few minutes or an hour if the temperature is found to be moderate.

However, it is not safe to keep them in direct sunlight for up to 3 hours or more, especially if the temperature is beyond 80 degrees, which can be fatal for your parakeet.

What Happens If A Parakeet Gets Too Hot?

Parakeets love being in moderate temperature conditions, and extreme temperatures can threaten their survival.

The temperature within a range of 70 degrees is ideal for them. If the temperature starts exceeding that range (especially if it reaches 85 degrees Fahrenheit), they might feel uncomfortable and exhausted.

Also, they do not have any sweat glands to regulate their body temperature. Overheating can also cause respiratory problems, causing difficulty in breathing.

Too much heat is more likely to cause heatstroke in them and cause death.


Parakeets can tolerate moderate heat, and they usually live in average temperature conditions of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. These little birds can not take extreme heat (85 degrees).

Also, placing them in direct sunlight or outdoors for a prolonged period can cause overheating, making them uncomfortable. Overheating can also cause heatstroke in a few minutes and can kill them.

You can place their cage in a more relaxed area or keep your room air-conditioned. You may also spray water regularly to keep them cool and moisturized.

Placing a birdbath full of freshwater inside their cage also keeps them cool.

This may also cause some serious respiratory problems like difficulty in breathing, exhaustion due to excessive heat, or in extreme cases, death. Take all the preventive measures to ensure your little friend is away from direct sunlight or excessive heat.

Give them plenty of water to drink on hot sunny days and keep them moisturized using spray water or birdbath.

If you can manage to keep the temperature of the room moderate, your pet bird can live happily without worrying about its survival.