This article will discuss all the essential points and eliminate all concerns about parakeets laying eggs. This guide has been compiled from all the questions frequently asked on the web and forums for parakeets.
I hope that you will find this article helpful and will be able to find the answers you require about the eggs laid by parakeets. Let’s start by determining the average age of Parakeet Laying Eggs.
What Age Do Parakeet Lay Eggs?
Many parakeets are the first to lay eggs at approximately four months of age. The number of eggs you can hope for depends entirely on the size and kind of breed you own.
When they reach the age of 4 months, fertilization and laying eggs in their bodies begin. Egg-laying can happen at any time; however, parakeets can start laying at any point between 4 months and 10 years old.
It is suggested to give at least a year to your female Parakeet before breeding. When they reach the age of a year, the chance of having problems with eggs for female Parakeets will be reduced.
What Do Parakeets Need To Lay Eggs?

A parakeet requires a nutrient-rich diet that includes fresh fruits and veggies for eggs to hatch. It is best to give cuttlebone and calcium supplements to your pet’s parakeets or the breeding pair to ensure proper development and laying eggs.
Also, once your bird is done laying eggs, they’ll require a varied diet that includes high-quality pellets and seeds, along with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to replenish the nutrients depleted during egg production.
They also require calcium Phosphorus, Vitamin D, protein, and water. Water appears to be the essential mineral for the parakeets. Therefore, freshwater should be readily available to the breeding pair throughout the day. Even for a couple of hours without water, the parakeets could stop laying eggs.
There is no need for a nesting box to allow your breeding pairs to get married so long as the conditions are suitable and they live in the same area for reproduction. It should also provide the proper environment for their eggs to hatch. Incubators might be required for a parakeet. However, we will discuss this in the future.
What Do Parakeets’ Eggs Look Like?
Parakeet eggs look like chicken eggs but are much smaller in size. The typical size of a parakeet’s egg is about 1-2 CM at its most wide. In terms of length, the eggs of parakeets are expected to be around 2-3 centimeters long.
The eggs will be oval, exactly like chicken eggs but with a larger one on one side. In rare instances, their eggs may be more circular in appearance also. After a week or so, you will typically observe a web of tiny pink veins visible in the shell of an egg laid by a Parakeets.
What Causes Parakeets To Lay Eggs?
Suppose the Parakeet isn’t designed to breed but continues to lay eggs. In many instances, parakeets and other birds can begin to lay eggs without having a partner. To make you aware, ta parakeet or any other bird with no mate may also lay eggs.
If a parakeet has laid an egg without mating or that a mate does not accompany, then it is best to discard the egg as soon as you can. Eggs that are not fertilized are useless.
What To Do If Parakeets Lay Eggs?
Here are some things you must do if you see a parakeet lay eggs.
- Utilize a torch or flashlight on the egg to check if they’re fertilized or not.
- The fertilized egg should be kept in an organic nesting material for the safety of the egg. If there’s an egg, preparea nesting box that has perfect settings. You don’t need to worry about anything.
- If the eggs have not been fertilized, then discard them right away.
- Feed your pet to replenish the nutrients she squandered during the egg-making process. Mixing pellets with fresh vegetables, fruits, and seeds are healthy.
- The eggs will take a while to hatch, so keep patience.
- Interesting Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat? If So, How Much?
- All About Parakeets Making Noise & Sounds
- Can Parakeets Live Alone? + Do Parakeets Need a Companion
- All About: Parakeets Breeding Behaviour!
3 Must Know Reason Why Do Parakeets Eat Their Eggs?

It is normal to observe parakeets eating their egg; however, this is not clear. There are a handful of reasons that a bird could consume the egg it has laid, and there are three reasons parakeets consume their eggs.
- Parakeets are known to eat eggs because of stress. If the environment within the cage isn’t suitable for breeding, laying eggs or being intubated could cause them to drop or consume their eggs.
- A lack of nutrients could cause your bird to be in a position where it must consume eggs that it has laid. If your bird is hungry or lacks certain nutrients, it could choose to eat its eggs. Because eggs are known to be high in calories, parakeets often decide to eat them if they are deficient in protein.
- If there are multiple breeding couples in the cage, another pair might decide to eat the eggs amid a sense of stress, hunger, and other reasons.
Why Do Parakeets Lay Unfertilized Eggs?
The eggs are usually developed before fertilization, so the parakeets aren’t sure whether they’ll be fertilized or not. In most cases, they just look after their eggs hoping that they will eventually be fertilized. It is typical to see it happen in Pet birds & the Parakeets who are not designed to breed or produce.
Parakeets that do not have a partner can also lay eggs, but only the unfertilized ones. In nature, birds like parakeets are enticed to lay eggs according to various environmental signals.
7 Reasons Why Are My Parakeets Not Laying Eggs?
Parakeets may stop laying eggs due to numerous reasons. Let’s discuss the 7 main reasons why my Parakeets aren’t laying eggs.
- Parakeets do not lay eggs when there is too much stress in their cage, or the environment is not in order.
- Parakeets can stop egg-laying in the presence of an unrelated cage mate.
- If the inside of their cage has moved around just a little or a great deal, the cell may cause the birds to stop laying eggs.
- In the darkness, the parakeets will not lay eggs. A sufficient amount of light is essential for them to lay eggs.
- Without a nest box or container that could be used to nest can cause your parakeet not to lay.
- If there’s no fresh water in the cage, parakeets won’t lay.
- If a Parakeet is deficient in any specific nutrients, it ill not make eggs. A diverse diet consisting of pellets or seeds, fresh vegetables and fruits is required.
How Long Does it Take For A Parakeet Egg To Hatch?
The parakeet eggs take between 18-22 days for the hatching process, and the Parakeet usually incubates its eggs between 16 to 19 days. In the matter of worse, this could be a bit different by a few days; either way, however, it’s not something to worry about.
How Do I Know If My Parakeets Eggs Are Fertilized?
If the Parakeet has not been brought to breeding, their eggs could be infertile. Use a torch or flashlight and inspect the eggs with it. It will let you know whether the eggs are fertilized or unfertilized.
Wild Parakeets generally lay 2-3 clutches a year, and they will lay between 4 and 8 eggs within each one with a two-day time between each.
What Happens If You Touch A Parakeet Egg?
If you come into contact with an egg of a parakeet that has been touched, it won’t give a scent that is similar to her own. There is a good chance that once you have felt the egg of your bird, it will be rejected by your parakeet, and it is by breaking or dropping it.
It is essential to wear a glove before handling eggs. You may not believe it, but the most effective method is to avoid touching eggs with or without gloves. The Parakeet that lays eggs will always seek a nesting spot for her.
- Recommended Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Talk? If So, What Percentage & Age?
- Are Parakeets Endangered? If So, Why & What Species
- All You Need To Know About Parakeets Mating
- Can Parakeets Fly? If So, How Far?
9 Reasons Why Do Parakeets Break Their Eggs?
Parakeets can break their eggs because of a variety of reasons. Let’s discuss 9 reasons why Parakeets break their eggs. Your Parakeet is aware of the unfertilized egg.
- If your [parakeet is aware of the eggs that aren’t fertilized, they might decide to smash or drop them.
- The environment within their cages isn’t optimal for them to lay eggs, and lack of stimulation in their environment can cause them to break eggs too.
- If a bird lacks particular nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, or minerals, she could decide to break eggs and consume them.
- If your parakeet doesn’t have an appropriate nesting area within the cage, she may break eggs. Make sure you consider the nest’s size and the cavity into consideration. It is also essential to consider how high the nest is above the earth. Researchers have discovered that the Parakeet tends to prefer nesting on large areas of land which are a lot far too high above the ground. The spaces of their nesting box must be 2-3.5 feet deep, and the entrance should be suited to their body’s dimensions.
- The Parakeet may also tear its eggs because of fear. A sudden flashing light or any other prey/pet that is new could scare your pet away and cause damage to eggs.
- The environment can change, such as new furniture or obstacles, or even an entirely new nesting box may make her break her eggs.
- Parakeets can also destroy eggs when other birds attempt to capture their nests. Beware of keeping another pet bird or Parakeet near to the nest box. Unfortunate events can also occur, as in the case of protecting eggs with soft shells, consider concealing eggs in a safe place.
- A parakeet could jump onto it to defend it, resulting in the crushing of eggs. Additionally, parakeets are also known to roll and move their eggs extremely vigorously, and they frequently knock the eggs out of the nest when shifting each one.
- Parakeets also break their eggs if they press eggs too hard while turning.
Best Incubator For Parakeet Eggs
It’s one of the most effective egg incubators available for parakeets regarding price. This incubator is a step ahead of the other ones entirely for the price. If you’re trying an incubator for the first time and looking for the best one, this model is what to choose.
If you’d prefer not to have to spend a lot of time in the process of learning or have no experience, the MagicFly Digital Mini fully Automated Egg Incubator is the best option.
It is not just a fantastic design but is also a tremendous ABS and PP material. It also offers room for between 9-12 eggs to incubate. Its design is monitor-friendly so that you can monitor the process of hatching. Also, it comes with an excellent quality LED display for confidence and clarity that your eggs from your Parakeet are safe.
The product comes with an instruction guide, but there’s no need to read it all the way through. It’s straightforward to use, particularly for the new parents of parakeets.
How To Prevent Egg Binding In Parakeets?
Egg binding usually occurs in birds that cannot eliminate eggs naturally. It’s generally because of a lack of calcium in your bird’s diet. If you keep your pet on a poor diet, you must take steps to correct the issue first. To prevent egg binding in Parakeets, changing food habits to nutritiously complete pellet food is recommended.
It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian to create an effective dietary routine for your pet’s Parakeet that you can adhere to throughout its entire life. It is best to see the vet when your pet parakeet is at least four months old to design an individualized, nutritionally rich diet.
Consider feeding calcium supplements in addition to other vitamins, minerals, and phosphorus to your pet to prevent egg binding.

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