Plum-headed parakeets are lively small birds that rapidly adapt to new surroundings. They are highly social and adaptable in US lifestyles. In this article, I will assist you in learning how to handle a plum-headed parakeet. Parakeets with plum heads are ideal because they have less to offer than other birds with larger heads.
Furthermore, plum-headed parakeets look attractive and are easy to look after. In this article, we’ll look at a way to train your fingers on the plum-headed parakeet who continues to bite you. It will teach you the best way to teach them and find out how to help a stubborn Plum-headed parakeet escape its cage.
Training a parakeet is enjoyable and rewarding. However, it takes patience and time. You must realize that the success of your training depends on a variety of variables and your pet’s personality. A Plum-headed parakeet is more likely to respond to exercise if they are fed hand or at the very least handled frequently.
Once your plum-headed pet is comfortable taking it and is not scared of people, you’ll enjoy the ease of teaching the animal to do other tricks. Before I explain to you the best way to raise a Plum-headed parakeet, let’s look at what you must know before starting to train a parakeet with a plum head.
3 Things To Know Before Training A Plum Headed Parakeet

Gaining Trust Before Training a Plum Headed Parakeet
A new Plum-headed parakeet may be challenging to handle and can be frightened when they move to a new place. It is essential to allow your bird a week to adjust and become comfortable in the surroundings. Before you begin training your bird, start by hand taming initially to build trust.
Hand taming involves a method where you assist your pet bird to feel comfortable with being handled by humans. Taming birds can be achieved through various methods but requires different phases. There are numerous ways to control a parakeet, but, as per experts, trimming your plum head parakeet’s wings first with an expert pet groomer is recommended before beginning.
The trimming of your Plum-headed parakeet’s branches will hinder its ability to fly very high or even at all. This makes the process of training simpler for you and your bird’s companion. It also helps make the entire training much more secure. First, you must hand-tame your bird and then teach them. Hand-taming, a plum head parakeet, will earn him trust with time.
Parakeet Training Tips
Don’t overtrain your pet as it could make them bored next time. It is advised to exercise your Plum-headed parakeet only once per day for 10 minutes each time. Initially, your bird might not be able to sit in your fingers for longer than a couple of seconds, but over time and with regular training sessions, they will feel more comfortable near you.
If you observe your bird being scared or flying away from your finger, encourage your plum-headed bird to come back using the millet or tasty treats as a way to reinforce. If you own a Plum-headed parakeet that was not just raised in captivity but also fostered by hand, it will be able to adjust to humans.
A pet raised by hand at the point they can fly has already been tamed. Parakeets purchased from big commercial pet stores tend to be fearful and wild when you buy them, and they are usually not handled by a person. Offering treats is an excellent method to entice an unassuming plum-headed parakeet, especially if it is purchased from pet stores at retail prices.
Patience Is the Key to a Trained Parakeet
It is essential to understand and appreciate that training a bird such as a parakeet requires time and effort. Furthermore, there isn’t a specific time frame for how long it takes for an individual Plum-headed parakeet to master a particular behavior or Trock. Certain parakeets can learn quickly to get off or show up when called, while others take months or weeks.
The process of teaching a Plum-headed parakeet to speak could take up to a year due to it being an extremely individual skill that a lot of parakeets don’t attain.
If this happens, be in love with your plum head parakeet and be happy with the person they are. Keep in mind that your bird has no say in its living conditions and is entirely dependent on you to provide medical care, food, shelter, happiness, and livelihood for the remainder of its existence.
- Interesting Further Reading
- Can Parakeets Tolerate Heat? If So, How Much?
- All About Parakeets Making Noise & Sounds
- Can Parakeets Live Alone? + Do Parakeets Need a Companion
- All About: Parakeets Breeding Behaviour!
How To Train a Plum Headed Parakeet?
In this article, I will go over five simple steps to help train Plum-headed parakeets.
Step 1. Cut your parakeet’s wings to adjust to the new surroundings.
Before you bring your first bird with a plum head at home, you can ask the pet store or breeder to trim the wings so that they can’t fly for a long time. Do not worry; the feathers of parakeets increase, and one trimming time will provide enough time to teach your bird. After that, you’ll be able to decide whether you’d like to keep trimming the feathers of your parakeet or not.
If you want to take your parakeet outdoors, it is suggested to do this. After you bring your first pet to your home from a pet store or breeder, allow them time to become accustomed to your home. It is best to give your pet a quiet area where you can often walkthrough. The ideal place is an extra bedroom.
It is advised to leave your parakeet with a plum head in its cage for a few days and then visit it several times every day. Please do not open the cage and think about leaving the bird in its cage for at minimum two days. If your bird is in the cell or out, you should keep your hand close to the base of your bird’s feet.
Step 2. Remove your parakeet.
When you have completed the second or third day, you can open the cage of your parakeet. If your Plum-headed parakeet can open its cage on its own, you’ve won the battle.
If the bird doesn’t appear, consider making the room dark and employ a small, light glove or towel to pull the bird out gently. Then, put your pet on top of the cage, and switch up the lighting. You must have cut your Plum-headed parakeet’s feather so that it doesn’t be too far away.
Step 3. The parakeet could bite you the skin, so put on an appropriate glove.
If your bird is scared to eat at this moment, be patient and follow your next step. It is recommended to put an easy glove on your hands if you cannot take the bite of a parakeet. Bites from Plum-headed parakeets can hurt, but it’s not as severe as you believe. It is crucial to be careful not to jerk the bird if he decides to bite you.
Alternately, you could consider stretching your fingers towards the bird. If your pet does not have a place to go other than your palm, they may not bite, but they will come towards your hand with a slow pace to escape or perhaps take millets.
Step 4. Begin to coax your Plum-headed parakeet onto your finger.
If you see your plum’s feathers fade away, observe the plum slowly using your finger extended. If you’ve already cut the feathers of your parakeet, your bird isn’t able to fly far. A parakeet that has been trimmed must land on the floor, or someplace that is easy to reach. If your bird is landed, be sure not to move it.
Begin to approach the bird with a slow and steady motion. Extend your fingers again. If, for instance, your bird is on the ground, put it on the floor as well and then slowly extend your fingers with your hand close to its feet. It’s normal to see the parakeet getting afraid and trying to protect itself, but don’t be at all.
Reach your fingers until it reaches the bottom of the parakeet’s feet, and gently push. Make sure to take a parakeet to a place where they can leap over your hand or onto your fingers. The corner of the room appears to be the most suitable choice. Another alternative is to use the corner of the top of the cage.
Make sure to push your finger to make the position of your hand. With just a slight push, you won’t make your bird leap onto your hand just because you’re touching. Once the bird is sitting on your finger, try to make it move across your writing, too. Press against the bottom of your feet until your parakeets are accustomed to it.
Step 5. Lastly, Be Patient But Don’t Overdo It.
It is best to keep going until the bird is at your fingertips. The offering of tasty treats can encourage your bird to take it in, however, do not force them. At this moment, you may have achieved satisfaction in getting your pet’s parakeet to sit in between your fingertips.
If not, try this procedure a few times throughout the day, and remain calm. If you force too much or try this technique for too long could cause your bird to bite you. Be alert and be sure not to pull your fingers away if the bird bites. I’d suggest that you always wear a glove made of fabric should you require.
Keeping the training time brief, around 10 minutes, one or two times per day, is imperative. Repeat this procedure until the parakeet is released from the cage and is sitting on your finger or hand at your discretion.
How to Train a Parakeet to Talk?

It is the only form of training that takes at least a year. It’s good to know that in this situation, it is not necessary to take care of your Plum-headed parakeet to teach it to speak. This type of training generally involves repeated repetition. Here are five easy steps to prepare to train a Plum Headed Parakeet to talk.
- For the first time, relocate your Plum-headed parakeet cage or the bird to a calm area and offer it some food. A quiet room can help your pet bird to be able to hear your voice.
- Then, pick one word, such as hello or hi.
- Then, stand closer to your pet and repeat your chosen phrase for a couple of minutes to help your bird concentrate on the sound you make. If a bird with a Plum-headed head is focused on the words you use, and he is coaxed to turn one face of the bird toward your face while his pupils dilate slightly.
- Repeat the phrase slowly for a few seconds before returning your bird’s home enclosure. Be sure that you repeat the word each whenever you pass by, saying hello or hello to your animal. Think about greeting them if you are interacting with your bird or changing his water or food bowl.
- If you’re lucky, someday, your plump parakeet is going to respond to your greetings eventually. Once your bird’s parakeet has learned his first word, they can begin to teach the second one you would like them to learn. A variety of species of parakeets learn quickly, and plum-headed parakeets are just among them.

Hi, There and Welcome to, is here to help you learn and care about pet birds. and this blog is a journal of everything I’ve learned.