If you’re mulling about the possibility of welcoming a brand new blue parakeet into your family, you should consider the following points first. Blue parakeets live for between 15 and 30 years, depending on the species.
They are full of life and character. A blue parakeet can be an integral part of the family quickly if you adhere to the suggestions and tricks that we have given below. If you want to know how to take care of a blue parakeet, it is essential to ensure that your new pet is in the most appropriate cage configuration for a happy and comfortable life.
Some blue parakeets are around 30 years old, which means you’ll be getting an energetic and loving pet as a long-term commitment.
How to Care for a Blue Parakeet?

Get Them A Comfortable Spacious Cage.
Once you have adopted one of your blue parakeets, you will require a cage to be able to call home. On the market, there are a variety of cages with different dimensions and designs.
One important thing to be aware of is that the cage must be large enough to allow a parakeet to extend its wings and bounce over the perches. Furthermore, the cage needs to be outfitted with the finest perches, substrates, as well as food equipment.
Because your Bird is likely to spend the majority of its time in your cage, the more spacious and larger the cage more comfortable it for your Bird.
When buying a cage, you should also choose small padlocks to secure the door, making it impossible to escape. Blue parakeets are known to be clever and clever creatures.
If you’re not vigilant, your Bird will find a way to get out. Therefore, a high-quality padlock will ensure your Bird’s safety within the cage when you’re not home to monitor them.
Be sure to create some hidden areas inside the cage, too, as security is one of the main concerns for the majority of Birds. Additionally, providing them with a safe place to rest will make them feel relaxed and feel at home inside the cage.
Place The Cage In A Good Easy To View Location.
One of the primary aspects to learn how to take care of blue parakeets is to determine the most suitable spot for the blue parakeet’s cage. Smaller birds such as parakeets are known to be extremely sensitive to sudden changes.
Temperature fluctuations or fumes or lighting can cause stress to them. Additionally, the area in which the cage is set up must also have adequate air circulation. The Bird may also be upset and annoyed by fumes of cleaning chemicals, cigarettes, cooking gasses, as well as new paints.
All of this could harm your Bird. This is the reason you should not keep a cage for your parakeet close to your kitchen. Since you are female, you could spend the majority of your time in your kitchen, but the fumes of cooking and cleaning could cause harm to your blue parakeet.
Be sure to avoid placing your cage in close proximity to windows. It could be a beautiful place for bird watching or viewing, but direct sunlight can cause heat to your Bird’s feathered friend.
Keep the cage from the vents and gates since drafts can cause issues. As they are social animals, It is recommended to put the cage in a space where there is a lot of usages.
The living room can be the perfect place for most family members to gather. In addition, having the cage in your living room can also allow you to spend time with your pet.
Get Your Blue Parakeet Wings Clipped.
It’s a must to consider getting your blue parakeets under control. While exercising, the Bird can be able to fly out of the reach of your hand, leading to escape. That’s why clipping the wings to the point that it is unable to fly will benefit you greatly.
Since their feathers grow continuously over time and you’ll have no difficulty in regrowing your feathers. But, it must be handled by a professional groomer or vet. Don’t attempt to nail your pet’s parakeet on your own.
Clean The Cage And Its Equipment Often.
It is crucial to maintain the cage of your pet. It is recommended to wash your cage once a week for at least one time. In addition, the other equipment such as food bowls, water bowls, and perches must be cleaned at least every two weeks.
Always choose a cage with an over-bed grate so that the blue parakeets do not have direct access to or contact with the litter. A cage with no grille could be a breeding ground for in the air and harbor mold and bacteria. In order to wash your cage, it is possible to make use of papers towels, shredded paper as well as paper bags.
Bath Your Blue Parakeets
Birds such as blue Parakeets are awestruck by the sound of water drips. The majority of blue parakeets love splashing around in the bathtub so that their feathers are in perfect condition. Yet, they all tend to be different from one another.
Each Bird has its own unique individual characteristics. Some prefer bathing in the sink, while others prefer to be misted. Make sure you give your pet ample access to water so that they can determine what bathing methods they prefer.
Keep Your Parakeet On A Nutritious Diet.
To ensure that they enjoy their lives to the fullest, having fun throughout their journey, make sure you feed them the highest quality food that you can.
Since parakeets require a diverse diet, nuts and seeds are essential to include. In this article, you can find out the best vegetables for parakeets.
We’ve also provided a checklist of the best nuts for parakeets. Since your pet needs an extensive diet, you could also give certain fruits to your pet. Here are the fruits that are best for blue parakeets.
Interesting Further Reading
- How To Potty Train A Parakeet? (5 Easy Steps)
- 5 Ways How To Clip A Parakeets Wings Safely
- How To Get My Parakeet To Eat Fruits And Vegetables?
Get Toys & Chewable Treats
Birds such as Parakeets are known to chew on anything they find in their surrounding area, including its cage as well as its food bowl. Consider providing chewable toys and treats to your pet as they are amusing by Nature.
Parakeets are extremely playful, which means that they are a fan of any chewable toy that can provide mental stimulation. A chewable toy or treat will also ease boredom when your blue parakeet is at home.
Toys are more beneficial when you take your Bird away for a long period of time alone. In addition, chewable toys can be an excellent way to exercise your Bird. Some of the best chewable toys are the bark of the pine tree, rawhide and pinecones.
Help Your Blue Parakeet With Grooming.
Fortunately, birds like blue parakeets do not require lots of grooming. But nail trimming and cutting wing clipping should be conducted according to the guidelines.
If your Bird’s nails are sharp, making them difficult for you to hold, AVV guidelines suggest trimming. Before trimming or clipping your Bird’s nail or wing, you should consider talking to your vet.
Many owners choose not to trim their parakeet’s wings to let them fly without restriction. If you do decide not to clip your parakeet’s wings clipped, be sure that the space they fly in is secure and prevents escape.
Maintaining and caring for a blue parakeet is a simple task and requires minimal maintenance if you use the tips and tricks mentioned in the article.
We’ve shared other useful guides to care for your parakeets in order to keep them happy, healthy, and happy for the rest of their lives.
A parakeet’s life is a long-term commitment, so spending a few hours learning how to take care of your parakeet in a proper manner will help significantly over the long haul.
If you are an owner of a parakeet, the life of your pet is completely in your control, specifically how they have lived their lives and the experiences they’ll have.

Hi, There and Welcome to BirdsNews.com, is here to help you learn and care about pet birds. and this blog is a journal of everything I’ve learned.