Parakeets lose their feathers as a result of the process of molting. Molting is usually a process that occurs every two years. As autumn approaches, it is common to see birds shed their old feathers in preparation for winter. So, let’s examine five reasons why parakeets lose feathers.
5 Reasons Why Parakeets Loose Feathers

Nutrient Deficiency
If your pet’s parakeets don’t have an adequate diet, they’ll be suffering and struggle to maintain healthy plumage. The feathers will not be of good quality enough to sustain their flight.
In reality, these types of feathers could be susceptible to break due to their being fragile. Primarily vitamin A can be the cause of many feather-related issues in parakeets.
The presence of wounds or infections can help a parakeet reduce its feather follicles and keep the new feather from growing.
A fungal or bacteria-related infection on the skin can cause your bird to over-preen and self-mutilate. This could result in the loss of many feathers from their bodies. In the Parakeet, aspergillus and candidiasis are the two most frequent fungal diseases.
Rough Handling
Rough handling with a parakeet could cause them to lose their feathers. Be sure to hold it with an appropriate grip for your pet; otherwise, the flight feathers are more likely to fall out or be damaged.
It is more likely to happen when birds attempt to increase their swings from fear. Even though the odds are small, the chance remains the same. Be gentle with your pet and show your children how to manage them.
The primary reason for parakeets losing feathers is Molting. Molting is a natural and safe process for numerous birds, and it assists birds in regenerating their weather.
Through continuous flying, the feathers that fly are damaged and require renewal. We’ll discuss why parakeets change their feathers?
Why Do Keets Molt?
Because birds live in the open all day long, they require feathers to fly. So, their feathers are damaged. The feathers protecting our bird’s body may be damaged by water and cold.
Dust baths heat, sun trees, tree barks, and even parenting can cause feathers on birds to break and tear. In the end, birds require a new set of feathers to meet the winter season and migration.
How Do The Parakeet Feathers Grow In?
Like our fingernails and hair, the feathers of parakeets are also composed of keratin. The growth of feathers isn’t constant, and it typically happens periodically.
If a tailor flight feather becomes damaged before molting or migrating season, the body naturally replaces it. The feathers emerging from the season are typically completely black or entirely white.
In the spring and fall, hormones cause them to shed previously discarded feathers to make way for new feathers to grow.
How Often Do Parakeets Molt?
Larger Birds typically molt in various stages over several years. In the case of smaller species like the Parakeet, you can anticipate seeing it happen every year, at least.
In this time, the Parakeet can replace its head and body feathers with molting. At the end of summer, you can anticipate that the whole process of molting will occur in the Parakeet’s body.
Male parakeets might even change their feather colors during the fall. In summer and august, expect your parakeets to shed numerous feathers if your bird is looking somewhat less attractive but don’t fret because, within a few days, the new feathers will fill and make them appear gorgeous.
It is advisable to ensure that the feeder is full to fulfill their energy needs. Molting can take lots of fuel from the birds. Instead of giving any food, you should stick with high-quality protein.
Consider feeding your pet nuts such as peanuts, pistachios, and even pecans. It would help if you took off the shell. If you’re not sure what to serve it, you will find what nuts are the best to feed your Parakeet.
Why Is My Parakeet Losing Feathers On Its Head?

Parakeets typically lose the feathers on their head because of the natural process of molting. In this case, circovirus could cause your parakeet to shed feathers on its head. Circovirus can cause the feathers to degrade.
This is typically thought of like a virus. In addition, a keet could have its head feathers removed due to scratching its face with the rough surface if a parakeet is continuously rubbing its face against rough surfaces and trying to snag feathers.
If you have more than one parakeet in the cage, one cagemate may become the top, and they will groom the other one until it’s only bare patches. Since they are social animals, parakeets tend to help each other groom.
Excessive grooming can be an indication of tension or stress in parakeets. It is common for keets to be over-grooming one another at times. In such an instance, experts advise keeping your birds apart.
Another reason for parakeets to lose feathers is mites. Mites are the most likely cause for the loss of feathers in birds. They can impact the feathers and the surrounding skin.
Mites render the Parakeet ineffective. Mites are common among birds and often reside on the bird’s back, neck, and head. In addition, an infection called Knemidokoptes may cause your pet to lose feathers on its face and leg.
Keets are more prone to parasites than other species. It is crucial to keep your pet current by utilizing antiparasitic treatment.
Why Do Parakeets Lose Their Tail Feathers?
If parakeets lose their tail feathers is not a cause for concern. However, the loss of feathers on their butts is more alarming. To solve the issue, it is possible to determine the reason.
Parakeets lose their tail feathers as part of the normal molting process. If, however, a bird can remove its feathers early enough and is not done properly, it could result in them looking strange.
Fortunately, that new feathers rapidly grow and replace those of the previous. The feathers of a parakeet can disappear due to being taken from cagemates.
If you observe a Parakeet feather disappearing, despite other feathers remaining intact, it could be that the cage mate is harassing your bird. Separating the two can resolve the issue swiftly.
Interesting Further Reading
- 15 Best Organic Parakeet Foods in 2022
- 17 Different Types Of Parakeets
- What Vegetables Are Good For Parakeets?
Wrapping Up
In addition, parakeets typically lose feathers due to rough handling. It is essential to be gentle with your pet. Be sure to supervise your children when handling the Parakeet. The tail feathers can be extremely easily knocked.
A parakeet kept in a smaller cage can cause pressure upon its tail feathers and cause them to fall off. Be sure to provide the space in your Aviary enough to allow a parakeet to move and stretch out comfortably.

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