Birds of prey, those majestic hunters of the skies, have fascinated humans for centuries. But have you ever wondered which of these gained creatures can be tamed and trained?
Join us in this article as we explore the world of Bird of Prey species that can form remarkable bonds with humans. Discover the gentle giants of the bird kingdom that, with patience and expertise, can become your feathered companions. This article will break down the fascinating qualities that make some species more amenable to domestication.
Whether you’re an aspiring falconer or simply curious about these magnificent creatures, join us on a journey to understand which bird of prey species can be tamed.
Which are the “Bird of Prey” Species?
The term “Bird of Prey” is broad, and not all avian enthusiasts are familiar with its meaning. Birds of Prey are the remarkable avians who are hunting experts. These birds are carnivorous and have powerful claws, sharp beaks, and sharp eyesight. In their broad world, some of the common types of Birds of Prey include Owls, Vultures, Falcons, Hawks, and Eagles.
Amongst these birds, Hawks and Eagles use their strong claws and beaks to catch and kill their prey. In contrast, Falcons have an incredible speed when they step around to hunt. Similarly, Owls are special because they can see well in the dark, which helps them hunt at night.
Birds of Prey aren’t just fascinating for their behavior, but they typically occupy the position of apex predators in the food chain. At the top of the food chain, these birds are natural predators. Not only that, but Bird of Prey also plays an essential role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling populations of small mammals and birds. Due to this, it is often claimed or rumored that Birds of Prey are difficult or sometimes highly tricky to train.
Which “Bird of Prey” is the trickiest to train?
Among the various bird of prey species, owls are often considered some of the trickiest to train. Owls are nocturnal hunters with behaviors and characteristics that differ from other raptors. They are primarily active at night, and thus, to train them, adapting to their nighttime schedule is extremely important. Training owls require working with their natural instincts.
Unlike diurnal raptors like falcons and hawks, which are often trained during the day, training owls can be more challenging due to their preference for darkness. In addition to that, the hunting style of owls is different from other Birds of Prey. Owls rely on silent fighting and stealth to capture their prey. This is one of the reasons why training and taming them becomes more complex.
While it is possible to train owls, it requires expertise, a deep understanding of their behavior, and high patience. Owls are often trained for Falconry and other educational programs. However, these enigmatic birds require a different approach and keen appreciation.
Bird of Prey Which Are Easiest to Tame (In Descending Order)
Birds of prey vary in their suitability for taming, and ease of taming can depend on individual temperament and the experience of the falconer or trainer.
6 Birds in Prey ranked in order of ease to tame (Descending Order):
- American Kestrel: Kestrels are one of the smallest falcon species and are known for their relatively gentle disposition. They are a nice choice for beginners and are often used in Falconry.
- Red-Tailed Hawk: Red-tailed hawks are easy to be trained. These are the most common birds used in Falconry, known for their adaptability.
- Harris’s Hawk: Harris’s hawks are social birds and can form strong bonds with their trainers. They are known to be cooperative learners.
- Eurasian Eagle Owl: Although owls are generally considered more challenging to train, the Eurasian eagle owls (larger owl species) are easy to train, though they require a lot of patience. They have a calmer temperament compared to some other owls.
- Peregrine Falcon: Peregrine falcons are known for their incredible speed and power. Training them can be more challenging due to their high-energy nature, but experienced falconers can work with them successfully.
- Bald Eagle: Bald eagles are more challenging to train due to their size and strong instincts. In fact, training Bald eagles is protected and regulated strictly in many countries. They are, therefore, less common in Falconry.
Please Note: To train any Bird of Prey, one requires experience, extensive knowledge, and legal permits (in some cases). Besides that, sticking to ethical and legal considerations is also very important.
Additionally, individual birds may have unique personalities that can affect the ease of training. Always consult with experienced trainers or falconers if you’re interested in working with birds of prey.
Here’s an overview of how Falconry works:
- Obtain the Necessary Permits: Since Falconry is regulated in most countries to protect both the birds and the practice, learn your local laws first. If laws demand permits, obtain them. Also, check out if the process requires undergoing training and testing to become a licensed falconer.
- Capture or Acquire a Hawk: Falconers can either capture a young hawk (known as an eyas) from the wild or obtain one from a breeder. However, remember capturing a wild hawk usually requires a special trapping permit and adhering to strict ethical and legal guidelines.
- Training: Training a hawk involves building trust and forming a bond with the bird. This process, known as manning, usually begins when the bird is young. During this stage, the falconer gently exposes the Hawk to human interaction and gradually gets it accustomed to perching on a glove.
- Hunting and Flying: Once the Hawk is trained, it can be used for hunting. The falconer releases the Hawk to hunt quarry like rabbits, squirrels, or birds.
- Care and Maintenance: Hawks require proper care, including a suitable enclosure (mews), a balanced diet, and regular exercise. It is essential to provide them all for keeping the bird happy and healthy.
- Legal Compliance: Falconers must adhere to laws and regulations regarding Falconry, including the reporting of activities and adhering to hunting seasons and bag limits.
Also, remember taming a Hawk should be taken casually. Training/ taming Hawk is a time-consuming and complex process. Doing so requires a deep and mindful understanding of the behavior and needs of birds. It should only be done by individuals with the necessary permits and dedication to the welfare of the bird.

Can You Tame a Hawk?
Taming a hawk is possible; however, it involves a specific process known as Falconry. Training birds like Hawks, Falcons, and others are highly regulated and a specialized endeavor; they, however, can be trained to work alongside humans.
Can You Tame an Eagle?
Yes, you can tame or train an Eagle, but it isn’t as easy as it reads. Eagles are categorized among the most challenging birds of prey to work with. Due to their size, power, and strong instincts, taming them becomes a task on its own.
Besides that, taming an eagle typically falls under the practice of Falconry, and it is subject to strict regulations in many countries.
Bottom Line…
Overall, taming bird of prey species is a challenging and regulated endeavor. However, it is achievable with dedication and expertise, offering a unique connection between humans and these magnificent creatures.

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