Music is a form of art, entertainment, and culture, that uses sound as a medium. Music is composed and performed in many human cultures for various reasons like religious, ceremonial, and even aesthetic pleasure.
Although, the music we find soothing and often attracted to may not be engaging for other vertebrates.
There have been instances where many pet bird owners have found their pet finches drawn towards a particular type of music. So, let’s find out whether finches like and are attracted to music?
Among the few bird types, finches are also drawn to a soft and simple melody. However, they rarely appreciate human music and mostly perceive it as noise. Some pet owners have noticed their pet birds are attracted to soft, classical music. But are likely to disengage if the music is loud or raucous.
It may have surprised some of you that a specific type of music may attract your pet bird.
However, it is ubiquitous in birds to get drawn towards sound or music. Now let’s also understand if there is any specific sound or music that attracts finches?
Do Finches Like Specific Music Or Sounds?
Hearing senses is most well-developed among birds and is critical for their survival. Most birds have sensitive hearing and may seem wary of loud sounds or music.
At the same time, many sounds attract birds rather than drive them away. In the wild, hunters make bird calls that attract their target towards them. Similarly, the splashing of water can draw avian to the source.
Now let’s look at different music or sounds that can attract finches towards them.
- Splashing Water: In the wild, a gushing, gurgling, or splashing noise of water will attract thirsty finches towards it more often than a stagnant or unmoving water body. Finches have well-developed hearing senses and hear the noise of splashing water from a long distance. You may install a small dripper or bubbler to a birdbath in case of a large cage to attract your pet finches.
- Buzzing of Insects: Finches are granivorous birds that mainly feed on seeds and fruits. However, finches also get attracted to the buzzing sound made by insects, which they eat to satiate their need for proteins.
- Other chatty birds: Finches are social birds and are quickly drawn towards other finches that chatter and chirp. Keeping them in pairs in your aviary can induce a healthy singing performance among your pet finches.
- Pishing: Pishing attracts curious birds. Bird lovers pish while refilling their bird feeders or while cleaning a birdbath. It conveys a message to nearby birds that their food is available in the feeders, and they will come to eat it.
- Wind Chimes: The soft and gentle, intermittent tone coming from the wind chimes can be soothing for your pet finches. Install wind chimes near the window or other open space near the finch cage. When the wind blows, it creates a soft melody that is relaxing and improves the overall well-being.
Now that you know about the sounds or music that may attract finches. It is equally important to know about music or sounds that may drive finches away.
Music Or Sounds To Avoid For Finches?
As humans, don’t find all kind of music or sounds pleasing to their hearing senses. Similarly, even finches are not attracted to every sound or music they come across.
There are some sounds or music which may be scaring or disturbing and drive them away.
Let’s have a closer look at certain sounds or music which may unnerve finches.
- Loud volume: Finches may get frightened by hearing an overwhelming loud volume. However, it may recognize that sound or music but will stay away. Finches have to be vigilant towards any predators approaching them or any distress call from their mate. Loud sounds will block their ability to focus on small but necessary details.
- Other pets: Frequent cat meows and dog barks can be scary to your pet finches. It will make your pet bird nervous and feel unsafe in the finch cage. You may have to move your pet birds to a different room to make them feel secured.
- Music played at home: Preference of music varies from mammals to mammals. The music that we appreciate in general may seem to be a kind of noise for your pet birds. Finches are drawn towards soft and simple melody, but they rarely appreciate human music.
- Door slamming/creaking: The high-pitched sound coming from the slamming of a door or the creaking sound coming while opening or closing the old door can be frightening to your pet finches. These unusual sounds can be disturbing and unsettling, and therefore needs to be fixed.
- Humans: Most pet owners adopt finches because they are playful, chatty, and chirpy birds. They also do not require constant handling. However, pet owners forget that these tiny birds need peaceful surroundings and keep scaring the pet birds because of the loud noise made in the house.
It is essential to understand, just like humans, even pet finches or any other birds will suffer damage to their auditory receptors with constant exposure to loud music or sounds.
Now that you know, finches recognize music or sounds. Let us also find out whether they can sing.
Related Further Articles:
- Do Finches Feed Their Babies? (How Long Can Babies Live Without Food?)
- What about Finches Eyesight? (Do Finches Have Good Vision At Night?)
- Can Finches Recognize Their Owners? (Do Finches Feel Attached To Their Owners)
- Do Finches Kill Their Babies? (Why Do Baby Finches Die)
Can Finches Sing?
Some bird species have excellent singing capabilities. Among them, finches are also vocal and produce a variety of squeals and calls.
Not all the sounds are soothing. Some sounds are jarring, but some of them are loud and pleasant.
The Zebra finch sings long conversational songs.
The Cassin’s finch sings a loud, twittering song with a short series of short syllables.
The Double-barred Finch makes soft sounds like making contact calls. The Bengalese finch’s chirping is very appealing. The Society finch sings and performs courtship dance to attract the female.
Alright! So, finches can sing. Now, you must be wondering about the reasons that make finches sing.
Why Do Finches Sing?
Finches are attractive, vocal, and quite engaging birds. Male finches, in particular, are great singers. Female finches only beep.
However, finches do not sing for recreation. There is a need that drives them towards learning the art of singing.
Male finches hone their singing skills at a young age by imitating their father’s courtship songs and practicing them for improvement.
Male finches sing to impress females and improve their reproductive opportunities.
Finches also make alarm calls to ward off intruders from their territories.
They do this to protect their nests from potential predators.
They may also make calls to alarm their mates at the sight of any Birds of Prey.
Now that you know the reasons why fiches have developed the capability of singing or making signals.
Let’s also explore to find whether finches are happy when they are singing.
Are Finches Happy When They Sing?
Singing is a way to let go of our emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Humans, in particular, sing to express something that we may be unable to put in words.
Similarly, finches also sing to express their feelings in the form of chirps, sounds, and calls.
They exhibit different kinds of feelings through sounds or calls. Male finches sing to attract a female mate to improve their reproductive prospects.
Finches may make alarm calls to their partners to signals any danger or intruder in their territory.
Now, you know that finches will not only sing or make sounds in happiness but also make alarm calls to pass signals to their partners, warning them about the danger lurking around.
Recommended Further Reading:
- Do Finches Attack Humans? + How To Handle A Finch’s Aggression?
- Do Zebra Finches Smell Bad? + Are Zebra Finches Messy Birds?
- Are Finches Affectionate? + They like Handling By Humans?
Finches usually attract towards music and sometimes engage with soft melodious and rhythming songs.
However, not all music is soothing to them. They do not appreciate human music and perceive it as noise.
Finches, especially the male, can sing, female finches can only beep or tweet.
Male finches who are looking for companions sing to attract females. Finches also give away calls to alert their partners in case of danger.

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