Birds have better eyesight than other vertebrates. If you compare a bird’s eyes with others, it has relatively large eyes.
Undoubtedly, bigger eye means better vision.
Birds have excellent eyesight that helps them while foraging, avoid collisions while flying, or catching fast-moving or camouflaged prey.
So, among bird types, do finches have good eyesight?
Among diurnal birds, finches have excellent eyesight. Finches are tetrachromats; they see more colors than humans. Better vision helps while foraging for food and also keeps them safe from predators. At home, they quickly recognize their owner’s face and greet them with happy chirps and tweets.
Like most birds, finches have an excellent daytime vision. Being diurnal finches are active during the day and seek shelter at night.
Now that you know, finches have good eyesight. Let’s see how good their sight is in comparison to other vertebrates.
How Good Is Finch’s Eyesight?
Birds have the best eyesight of all vertebrates. Among diurnal birds, woodpigeons, warblers, and wrens that become active soon after dawn have larger eyes than sparrows and finches that become active later after sunrise.
Among nocturnal birds, owls, nighthawks, and night herons have relatively large eyes, as it allows them to hunt in low visibility.
Finches, like other diurnal birds, have exceptional eyesight. In the wild, it helps them while they forage across the forest for food.
With outstanding vision, they can easily identify moving insects and worms that camouflage in the forest environment even from a distance.
In captivity, finches can easily recognize their owners and respond to their call with chirps or tweets. They can easily find the food put in their feeder cups.
Now that you know that finches have good eyesight, they can easily recognize their owners and respond to their greetings.
In the wild, the finch’s exceptional vision helps them track seeds and insects from a distance during the daytime.
Let us further explore to understand whether finches have equally good vision at night.
Related Further Reading:
- Do Zebra Finches Smell Bad? + Are Zebra Finches Messy Birds?
- Do Finches Like Music? + Are Finches Happy When They Sing?
- Do Finches Have Ears? (Do Finches Have Good Hearing)
- Do Finches Recognize Their Owners? (Do Finches Feel Attached To Their Owners)
Can Finches See In The Dark?
Darkness means the absence of visible light or the presence of very little light. One needs big eyes to see in such a condition, allowing more light to enter their eyes in the dark.
Nocturnal birds like owls, nightjars, nighthawks, and night herons have large eyes that will enable them to have good night vision even in low visibility conditions.
With their excellent eyesight, nocturnal birds can easily trace and hunt their prey even in the dark.
On the other hand, diurnal birds are active during the daytime. They can see at night but will only fly if they feel threatened and protect themselves from the threat lurking around. Some migratory birds migrate at night to avoid diurnal predators.
Finches, like other diurnal birds, are active during the day. In the wild, they eat, sing, and remain active during the day. At sunset, they take shelter to protect themselves.
In captivity, they are happy, chirpy, and playful with their cage mates during the day and rest during the night.
Now that you know that finches and other diurnal birds don’t have excellent night vision like nocturnal birds, they can still see and fly to another place to protect themselves. Let’s now explore to find out whether finches are capable of recognizing colors.
Can Finches Recognize Color?
All the vertebrates see objects and color differently. Most mammals, reptiles, fishes, and amphibians are dichromatic; they can see blue and green colors.
Some of them are even monochromatic and can see only one color. Humans are trichromatic and can see blue, green, and red colors. Birds are the only vertebrates that can see more colors than other vertebrates.
They are tetrachromats, which means they see four colors: Ultra-Violet, blue, green, and red.
Finches can very well recognize colors. They have four types of color receptors, which help see multiple distinct colors that a human can never see. Some of these colors help to understand and process information.
- Ultraviolet: When parent finches return to the nest to feed their young ones, nested in a dark tree, the hungry chicks reflect the ultraviolet color from their skin and open mouths. Parents will feed the one who reflects the most UV light. It indicates that the baby is healthiest and will get more food than the other chicks.
- Red: In zebra finches, females get attracted to males with a red beak instead of males with an orange beak. Color red correlates to good health, and females will always lookout for a healthy male partner for mating.
- Brown: In a finch cage, installing a brown or wooden color perch will make the bird feel like being in a natural environment. It will make your finches comfortable living in the cage.
- Yellow / Green / Blue: As a pet owner, you can install feeder cups that are yellow, green, and blue. You can watch how your pet finches admire these colors and have fun.
- White: Many birds use white in their plumage as a warning sign. Adding a lot of white to the yard will divert the birds away.
Now you know that finches recognize colors, they can get attracted as well as distracted by specific colors. As a pet owner, you can add fun to their cage by adding color which attracts your pet finches.
Recommended Further Reading:
- Do Finches Attack Humans? + How To Handle A Finch’s Aggression?
- Do Finches Feed Their Babies? (How Long Can Babies Live Without Food?)
- Are Finches Affectionate? + Do They Like To Be Handled By Humans?
- Do Finches Need To Be Covered At Night (Reasons For Not Covering)
- Do Finches Kill Their Babies? (Why Do Baby Finches Die)
Finches are tetrachromatic, which means they can see four colors: ultraviolet, blue, green, and red. Their excellent vision helps them in finding food and protects them from predators.
Colors help finches to understand and process information. Finches may not have exceptional night vision but can see and fly to a safe place to protect themselves if required.

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