Finches, like other birds, need an ambient temperature to survive and thrive. Most birds prepare themselves to survive the coldest temperatures.
But continuous exposure to significantly lower temperatures increases pressure on the bird’s immune system. So, the point in the discussion here is whether finches survive or succumb to the cold winters?
No. Finches can survive cold weather. However, it is crucial to know; not all finches do very well in cold weather. The natives of cold climates like Green Finch, Gold Finch, and House Finch are well equipped than others like the Waxbill Finch and Gouldian Finch, who come from dry and warm climates.
Alright! Now you know that native finches can handle cold weather better than other finches.
So, can native finches handle the harshest of the winters?
Let us delve further to understand how finches can manage to survive extreme cold weather.
How Cold Is Too Cold For Finches?
Finches native to colder climates can adapt to harsh winters better than others from dry and warm climates.
It is also essential to understand that the success of finches living in cold areas that experience low temperatures depends on various factors that help them survive.
Typically, all finches need shelter during the cold winter. If possible, to protect from the cold weather, move your pet finches to safety indoors. You should maintain a temperature of around 46°F or 8°C. Any further drop in temperature will make your pet finches uncomfortable, as they have to use a lot of energy to keep themselves warm.
Great! The idea is simple: if you are comfortable, your pet bird will also be comfortable being in that temperature.
Let us also learn more about different finch type and their habitat.
What Temperature Can Finches Live In?
Finches are native to Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and adjoining islands in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Due to significant variation in their living habitat, the climate and temperatures vary considerably depending on their locations.
The ideal temperature for most finch species is between 65°F – 70°F (18°C – 21°C). The below list provides information about different finch types, their native(s), and the temperature prevailing in their habitat.
Name of Finch | Native | Fahrenheit | Celsius |
Blue finch | South America | 60°F – 70°F | 15°C – 22°C |
Common chaffinch | Asia, Europe, Northwest Africa & Siberia | 50°F – 85°F | 12°C – 30°C |
European goldfinch | Europe, North Africa, Central & West Asia | 45°F – 77°F | 07°C – 25°C |
European greenfinch | Europe, North Africa & South West Asia | 37°F – 73°F | 03°C – 23°C |
European Linnet | Europe & North Africa | 80°F – 85°F | 27°C – 30°C |
Golden-naped finch | North Asia | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Gouldian finch | Australia | 70°F – 75°F | 21°C – 24°C |
House finch | North America | 37°F – 73°F | 03°C – 23°C |
Olive-rumped serin | Middle East | 50°F – 85°F | 10°C – 30°C |
Oriole finch | Africa | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Owl Finch | Northern & Eastern Australia | 65°F – 70°F | 18°C – 22°C |
Pine grosbeak | North America & Siberia | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Purple finch | North America | 37°F – 73°F | 03°C – 23°C |
Saffron Finch | South America | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Shaft-tail finch | Australia | 60°F – 70°F | 15°C – 22°C |
Society finch | Asia | 75°F – 80°F | 24°C – 27°C |
Spectacled finch | South Asia | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Spice Finch | South Asia & South East Asia | 75°F – 80°F | 24°C – 27°C |
Star Finch | Australia | 60°F – 70°F | 15°C – 22°C |
Strawberry finch | Asia | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Trumpeter Finch | North Africa & South Asia | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Violaceous Euphonia | Central & South America | 60°F – 65°F | 15°C – 18°C |
Waxbill Finch | Africa | 70°F – 75°F | 21°C – 24°C |
Zebra Finch | Australia & Pacific Islands | 40°F – 77°F | 05°C – 25°C |
Wow! That may give you some idea about the ideal temperature in the wild, where finches live around the globe.
It is crucial to understand the type and to provide them adequate cover during winter. Let us now understand how you can keep your finches warm during winter.
Interesting Further Reading:
- Do Finches Eat Insects? + What Do Finches Like To Eat?
- Do Finches Sleep At Night? + Are They Diurnal Birds?
- Do Finches Lay Unfertilized Eggs? (What Happens To Unfertilized Finch Egg?)
How Do You Keep Finches Warm In Winter?
Winters can spell trouble to many indoor pet birds. Many finch lovers have pets belonging to different geographies.
Some of the pet finches may hail from a dry and warm climate. Exposure to a cold climate can become challenging for them.
Finch owners can follow the necessary guidelines mentioned below to keep their pet birds warm during winters.
- Imitate native environment: Some finches like the Waxbill, Gouldian, and Parrot finches hail from climates that are dry and warm. If you intend to raise them, create an environment that imitates their natural habitat. You should move them indoors and keep them in a room which is draft-free.
- Cover the cage: If your house has a central heating system, which can easily regulate the temperature and create warm conditions, it will benefit your pet finches. We shall advise not to use a fireplace to create heat, as it will emit smoke that can be hazardous for your pet bird. Instead, you can cover the cage to capture the heat and keep them warm.
- Maintain proper humidity: Besides warm temperature, it is essential to maintain proper humidity. A dry environment due to lower humidity can impact the health of your pet finches. It may lead to brittle feathers, dry skin, and respiratory problems for the pet bird.
- Rich diet: Diet plays a vital role in building a proper immune system. During winters, feed your pet finches with a diet that is rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Canary seeds, dandelion, millet, and niger are good sources of carbohydrates that increase body heat. You may also feed protein-rich fruits and vegetables to improve their immune system.
Okay! Now you know how to help your pet finches stay warm and get through the harsh winter months.
But in case you have limited space to move them indoors, find a solution that can protect your pet finches in the aviary outdoors.
Let us also look at ways you can keep your outdoor aviary warm during the cold season.
How Do I Keep My Outdoor Aviary Warm In Winter?
Like indoors, you have to ensure that your outdoor aviary also provides adequate protection to your pet finches during cold winters.
It may be slightly tricky to keep such a vast outdoor space warm, but that’s the only way if you are unable to move your pet birds indoors.
Let us have a look at the entire process of how you can keep an outdoor aviary warm during winter.
- Install a heater: At first, you need to generate heat in the aviary. You can use ceramic bulbs, wall-mounted heaters, or tubular heaters as the source to generate heat. Make sure there is a power source fixed inside or near the aviary. The heater should also have a guard to prevent any direct contact between the cage birds and the heater.
- Insulation: After you generate heat, the next thing is to trap it. You can cover all the mesh areas with a polycarbonate twin wall (a type of plastic). Be careful not to block all the light and keep some space to allow the bird to view its surroundings.
- Waterproof: It is also essential to keep your aviary dry at all times. It would be best to weatherproof your aviary to avoid rainwater and excess moisture from entering inside the aviary. There are waterproof roof panels that stop the moisture or water from filtering inside the structure.
- Draft proof: Try to cover any noticeable gaps around the doors, roofs, and floorboards. The idea is to prevent warm air from escaping and stop cold air from entering the aviary. It will ensure the cage dwellers get the maximum comfort. It will be impossible to cover the entire cage, as you need openings to feed them.
- Install Nesting boxes: By installing nesting boxes in the aviary, you can provide pet finches with refuge for resting. These boxes can help keep them warm and mimic nest cavities, allowing them to rest when needed.
- Thermo perch: If you see your pet bird ball themselves up, covering its feet and legs, it’s an indication that they are freezing. A thermal perch heats up to a gentle warm temperature and helps the perched bird keep their legs warm.
- Cage tents: Like, you cover up your cage to create warm temperature. Cage tents can be installed inside the aviary to provide shelter and warmth to the cage inhabitants. These tents are insulated, and your pet bird can hop inside them to stay warm.
Once you have taken the necessary care of your aviary, you must provide your pet bird with a high diet of proteins and carbohydrates.
Proteins will help build the immune system, and carbohydrates are good sources to increase body heat, thereby helping your pet finches tide over the severe cold conditions during the winter season.
Alright! So, now you know how you can create perfect living conditions for your pet bird that can help them stay cozy, even during the most challenging climatic conditions.
Recommended Further Reading:
- Do Finches Kill Their Babies? (Why Do Baby Finches Die)
- Do Finches Recognize Their Owners? (Do Finches Feel Attached To Their Owners)
- Why Do Finches Puff Up? (What Are The Possible Reasons)
Points To Remember
Finches are natives of different geographies. Their habitats and climate also differ significantly, making it challenging for the ones coming from warmer climates to cope with severe winters.
Finches are comfortable living in temperature which ranges between 65°F – 70°F (18°C – 21°C). Exposure to cold temperature affects their immune system.
Finch owners can move their pet bird indoors; in the case of a large aviary, they can weatherproof it, install heaters, and insulation to maintain a suitable temperature.
Once you start maintaining adequate temperature in the cage or aviary, you must provide your pet bird with a diet high on proteins and carbohydrates to improve its immune system.

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