Health & Care

Here is everything that you should know about Birds’ health. Right from their facts to all the information about taking care of them.

How to Prevent Phobias In Parrots?

how to prevent phobias in parrots

Preventing Phobias In Companion Parrots We, behavior consultants, are seeing far too many cases of phobic parrots, who come from loving households but have become frightened to the point of fearing death from their human companions. As we raise more companion parrots for the pet trade, this problem will only grow unless we understand why

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Can Finches Die From Cold? + How Do You Keep Finches Warm In Winter?

Can Finches Die From Cold? + How Do You Keep Finches Warm In Winter?

Finches, like other birds, need an ambient temperature to survive and thrive. Most birds prepare themselves to survive the coldest temperatures. But continuous exposure to significantly lower temperatures increases pressure on the bird’s immune system. So, the point in the discussion here is whether finches survive or succumb to the cold winters? No. Finches can

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