Zebra Finches are friendly and love the company of their mates. In the wild, they live in flocks and share a powerful bond. In captivity, too, they remain sociable and bond very well with their cage mates.
At times, due to space constraints, they may resort to aggressive behavior to keep others away. It may make you ponder whether these fights among zebra finches become severe to the point that they may kill each other?
No. Zebra finches fights are not fatal. In the wild, they fight to defend their territory and protect their nest from others.
You must be mindful of the number of pairs you want to keep in the same cage or aviary. Lack of space can make your pet bird aggressive as they need room for breeding.
Alright! In nature, their aggression may not lead to severe consequences. However, pet owners must watch out for signs of discomfort that may lead to aggressiveness.
Let us dive deeper to find out the possible reasons for zebra finches to become aggressive.
Why Do Zebra Finches Become Aggressive?
Zebra finches are mostly endearing birds. They get along very well with the other birds in the aviary. There may be a specific reason that can trigger aggressive behavior in your pet zebra finch.
Let us understand some of the reasons that can stimulate hostile behavior in your pet finch.
- Overcrowding: If you have more than one pair of zebra finches or other finches in your small cage or aviary, it will become too crowded. A shortage of space can lead to constant niggle between breeding finches and other inmates.
- New Bird: If you plan to add a new bird to your existing enclosure, you have to plan it well. At times, adding new birds to the cage can disrupt the harmony of the finch cage. The old pairs can play the bully and harass the new inmate.
- Nest: This can be tricky. You have to understand the need and install it as per the situation. If there is a breeding pair, you must have a nest, as in the absence of a nest, the breeding pair may pluck feathers from other timid mates. In another situation, when there are no breeding pairs, you must remove the nest to avoid conflicts between pairs, as sleeping on perches is not a problem for zebra finches. You can check out the various nest boxes available on Amazon.
- Feed & Water station: Having a single feed and water station in your finch cage will create a tussle between zebra finches. It will draw foes to satiate their food and water needs in one place, stimulating anger between cage mates.
- Incompatibility: It is best to understand other bird species with are compatible with zebra finches. Getting the wrong bird in the aviary can create challenges for all the birds inside the cage.
For best feeders for your finches, you can check out these products on Amazon.
Now that you know, reasons that can lead to anger and hostility in your per bird. Let us also understand whether such anger can push zebra finches into attacking other cage mates.
Why Do Zebra Finches Peck Each Other?
Zebra finches are charming birds and love the company of others in their group. Still, there are times when this lovely bird has shown unwarranted aggression towards its cage mates and resort to biting and plucking feathers.
One of the prime reasons to see such bullying behavior is when your finch cage has become overcrowded. Unlike parrots, who walk around the cage, zebra finches love to fly around the finch cage.
Overcrowding makes it challenging to move around the cage and can result in aggression among your pet birds.
Another reason is the absence of a nest, especially if there is a breeding pair of zebra finches. The breeding pair needs a nest, and in the absence may resort to plucking feathers of weaker birds sharing the same aviary.
Alright! Now you know, zebra finches are capable of inflicting damage to weaker inmates. Let us have a look at possible ways to avoid such conflicts among the cage mates.
Interesting Further Reading:
- Do Zebra Finches Mate For Life? + What If It Loses Its Mate?
- Are Finches Affectionate? + Do They Like To Be Handled By Humans?
- Do Finches Eat Insects? + What Do Finches Like To Eat?
- Can Finches Die From Cold? + How Do You Keep Finches Warm In Winter?
How To Avoid Fights Among Zebra Finches?
Zebra finches do well in pairs. Though they are pleasant and friendly, keeping more than one pair of zebra finches in a small cage can impede their space, movement and lead to disharmony among the inhabitants.
Let us explore ways to control aggression among zebra finches sharing the same finch cage.
- Size of aviary: The ideal cage size should be 24″L x 18″W x 18″H for single pair of zebra finches. If you plan to add more than one pair of zebra finches, ensure to add more space to your cage. In making a large aviary, you need to consult with an avian vet to understand how many pairs of zebra finches can live together.
- Adding new pairs: Before you add a new pair or single bird, make few changes to the enclosure’s overall look. The best way is to remove all the birds, re-arrange the accessories in the cage as per the new requirement and start putting them back into the enclosure at the same time. The old and the new pairs will be too busy exploring the recent changes they encounter in their aviary.
- Multiple Feeds & Water stations: Installing multiple feeds and water stations in your finch cage will distribute the cage population. It will help in keeping foes away and at the same time satisfy their food and water requirements.
- Toys & Perches: As a pet owner, you need to understand the requirement and install plenty of toys and perches in the finch cage. Make sure there are enough perches, and at the same elevation, so everybody feels equal.
- Barrier: The accessories in the aviary should not obstruct the flight of your pet finches. Still, we recommend creating a barrier or place to hide, as it helps the timid birds find comfort behind it.
Now you know how to de-escalate friction among your pet zebra finches. Let also check on types of birds that are compatible with zebra finches.
What Types Of Finches Can Live Together?
If you plan to keep various types of birds in the same aviary, it will be advisable to understand their compatibility with each other.
Otherwise, putting everyone together will create chaos and disrupt the harmony of your aviary.
The best way is to keep timid birds with other shy birds, aggressive birds with other aggressive ones. It can save nervous birds from getting bullied by aggressive birds.
Let us look at the different categories of finches based on their behavior:
- Compatible: Bengalese (Society) finch, Chestnut-breasted munia, Double-Barred (Owl) finch, Gouldian finch, Plum-headed Finch, Red-headed parrotfinch, and Scaly-breasted munia can live together happily.
- Timid: The Star finch is shy in behavior. They are usually happy in flocks of their type. However, if you plan to keep them with others, make sure there are extra space and cover for the bird to hide.
- Bully: If you have plenty of space, you make keep your Zebra finch along with Java sparrow, Lavender waxbill, and Strawberry finch. You need to keep a close eye on these bullies as they can be aggressive with each other.
- Boss: Cut-throat finch and Diamond firetail are the real big bullies among these small birds. It may be better to keep it separately.
Alright! So, you may keep different types of birds depending on your preference. Just make the right space and cover for them.
Points To Remember
Zebra finches are social, lovely, and pleasant birds. In wild, they live in flocks and in captivity, they enjoy the company of their cage mates.
Zebra finches can become aggressive if the breeding pair has to share limited space with other inmates. They can peck other timid cage mates in the absence of a nest required by the breeding pair for laying eggs.
Pet owners need to ensure plenty of toys and perches and multiple feeds and water stations to reduce friction among the inmates.
Finally, always understand the type of bird and its behavior before pairing them with other bird types in your large aviary.

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