Considering how parrots can destroy hard objects so effortlessly, it’s no wonder some people wonder if little teeth are hiding inside that beak. So, do parrots have teeth?
Parrots don’t have teeth. They use their beaks to break food into pieces they can swallow. They don’t need teeth because their food is softened with acid in their proventriculus (first stomach chamber) and then sent to the gizzard (second stomach chamber), which crushes it up with hard muscles.
The mouth of a parrot is different from humans. The majority of the birds, including parrots, do not chew the food like humans or other animals. Parrots neither have the teeth nor the saliva in their mouth.
Hence, you must be wondering how parrots chew and digest the food. So, let’s delve deeper into the anatomy of a parrot’s mouth and understand why they don’t feel the need to have teeth and can easily survive without teeth.
Why Don’t Parrots Have Teeth?
According to zoologist Colin Sanders, it’s not all about reducing the bird’s overall weight to aid flight. It’s about where the weight is in relation to the bird’s wings.
For birds to fly efficiently, they need to have their center of gravity near to where their wings cross their bodies. If birds had teeth, their center of gravity would move away from their wings, and it would make it very difficult, if not impossible, for them to fly.
Parrots store food in a crop located close to where their wings are attached to their bodies. With the extra food, the weight comes a more focused center of gravity. This is the area where “lift” acts upon their bodies.
Alright! So, the absence of teeth aids the parrot to fly efficiently. Now, let’s understand in-depth the digestive system of parrots and how it differs from that of humans and other animals.
Digestive System Of A Parrot
The digestive system of parrots is different from humans and many other animals. Humans and animals have monogastric digestive systems with a single-chambered stomach.
In contrast, parrots have a digestive system that includes a gizzard where the food is crushed into smaller pieces.
Parrot’s digestive system has some unusual features that assist them in digesting food rapidly. All the birds have high energy needs; hence, they need to digest the food efficiently. Let’s learn about the digestive system of a parrot.

The full digestive system of a parrot is:
- Picking up food with bill/beak.
- The food travels through the mouth.
- The tongue directs the food to the pharynx.
- It travels through the esophagus.
- From there, it goes to the crop for storage.
- When the parrot is ready to break down the food, it goes to the proventriculus.
- The proventriculus releases acids to soften the food that goes to the gizzard.
- The gizzard mashes the food up with firm muscles.
- The mashed food goes to the small intestine for nutrients to be absorbed.
- The caeca then aid in absorbing water and proteins.
- The leftover food waste moves to the rectum.
- It then goes to the cloaca to be excreted.
Most birds, including parrots, have a high metabolism rate as they need to remain light while flying. Hence, parrots digest their food very quickly and eat it often.
Interesting Further Reading:
- Do Parrots Lay Eggs? (When, How Do Parrots Lay Eggs)
- Do Parrots Fart? + Reason Why Parrots Don’t Fart
- Do Parrots Have Tongue? + Use Of Parrot’s Tongue
- How Do Parrots Help The Environment? + How Do Parrots Help The Humans
How Do Parrots Chew Their Food Without Teeth?
Parrots break, tear, and cut food with their beaks before swallowing. It may look similar to chewing, but they are just working the chunks of food down their throat in reality. They aren’t chewing to make the pieces smaller once they’re in the mouth.
The gizzard mashes/chews the food into smaller pieces before sending it to the intestines for nutrient extraction.
How Do Parrots Digest Food Without Teeth?
The gizzard does the work that teeth usually do, grinding food up before it goes through the intestines.
The gizzard is made up of powerful muscles capable of pulverizing food. The food is first exposed to acids released by proventriculus to make things easier to mash for the gizzard.
When your parrot eats nuts, it will consume some shell to assist the gizzard in crushing up the softer foods.
How Do Parrots Use Their Beaks To Eat?
Parrots have extremely powerful beaks capable of breaking through hard nuts with ease.
Their beaks are sharp enough to cut through any food they desire. They can bite with a strength that produces around 600 pounds per square inch.
The beak of a parrot has a distinctive curve, ideal for breaking open hard nuts and fruit. The curve also helps to tear food apart.
Parrots also use their tongues to handle their food while they’re breaking and tearing it.
Once it’s small enough to swallow, they use their tongue again to shift the food through their mouth and down their throats.
Are Beaks Same As Teeth?
The only commonalities of teeth and beaks are that they both break, tear, and cut food.
Beaks are never used to grind or mash food up. Beaks and teeth don’t comprise the same materials either. Beaks have more of the same materials of claws and fingernails.
Beaks have a layer of skin on them that produces keratin, the same material found in claws and feathers. This makes it hard and durable.
Recommended Further Reading:
- Can I Sleep With My Parrot? ( Risks Involved )
- Can Parrots Be Potty-Trained? (Steps To Toilet-Train A Parrot)
- Do Parrots Dream? + What Do They Dream About?
Parting Thoughts
Parrots don’t have teeth. If they had teeth, their center of gravity will be shifted ahead of their wings, that would make them extremely difficult to fly.
Instead, a parrot has a gizzard that will mash food up for them before sending it to the intestines.
When the parrot is holding food in its crop, it focuses the center of gravity under the wings and enhances flying abilities.

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