Most birds have exceptional visual and auditory senses. Their well-developed eyesight can spot things from a distance, while their hearing enables them to move precisely towards the sound’s source.
Birds can identify mates, parents, and offspring through visual cues and also by their voices. Similarly, like other birds, finches can also identify each other. So, this may make you wonder whether finches can recognize their owners?
Yes. Finches can easily recognize their owners. Like humans, finches can recognize faces and distinguish the vocals of their cage mates and people living in the house. Although they dislike being handled, they instantly identify and respond to their owner’s calls with chirps, tweets, and peeps.
Now that you know, finches can recognize their owner’s faces and voices and respond to their calls, let us try to understand whether they are attracted and love their owners.
Do Finches Love Their Owners?
Love is a strong feeling showing deep affection towards someone. Some birds, particularly parrots, budgies, and cockatiels can be easily handled and provides a rewarding experience to their owners.
They are intelligent birds who show an incredible desire to interact with humans. These birds love to be held and will happily hang out with their owners.
Finches also are highly friendly, lovable, and playful birds. They easily connect and show affection towards their mates.
However, they do not mingle with their owners. Finches need very little supervision and don’t like to be handled by their owners.
Although they don’t hang out with humans, they are happy to respond to their owner’s calls. Finches depend on their owners for their wellbeing.
Alright! So, finches don’t show affection to their owners. They are happier showing love and affection to their mates.
Let us also try to understand if they have any sense of attachment towards their owner or their house.
Do Finches Feel Attached To Their Owners?
As discussed earlier, some bird types are comfortable being around their owners. Parrots, budgies, and cockatiels exhibit a strong connection with their owners and often crave their company.
They want constant attention and even love to be held or cuddled by people whom they trust.
Like some birds, finches do not crave any human attention. They are generally happy to connect and socialize with other finches in their finch cage.
Finches do not attach to humans. However, they may become comfortable with their presence and start interacting or responding to their calls over time.
Okay! It may look like finches are challenging to befriend. But in reality, they do not need much supervision and are an ideal pick even for beginners. So Do Finches Recognize Their Owners?
Let us explore further to find if it is possible to bond with your finches.
Can You Bond With Your Finches?
Finches are docile birds that develop a deep relationship with other finches sharing their finch cage.
They are sociable, exhibit caring behavior, and share food with their cage mates. They may not show interest in humans, but they will become comfortable with your presence over time.
To create a bond with your pet finches. First, create a comfort zone between you and your pet finches, so they are happy with your presence.
- Begin with indirect exchanges with your pet finches: You don’t want to make your pet bird nervous. So, begin slowly by making soft calls and sounds which don’t make them uncomfortable. You may repeat this whenever you enter their room. Once they are familiar with your calls or sounds, they will accept your presence.
- Avoid rapid movements: Be mindful of your body language or body movement. You do not want to scare your pet bird by making frantic movements. Always be cautious with your gestures and actions.
- Position your finch cage: Make sure you position your finch cage to look directly at their eye level. If your finch cage is lower, squat so that you are closer while interacting. This way, they will be more comfortable during your interactions.
- Spend time with your finches: You have to spend quality time with your bird to familiarize and observe their behavior. It will speed up the process of creating a bond between the two. Once they are comfortable, they will carry on with their daily grooming, singing, and playing in your presence.
- Talk in a gentle and comforting tone: Speaking in a friendlier tone with your finches will positively impact them. They will start responding to your calls with their chirps, tweets, and peeps.
Once your pet finches are comfortable with your presence, you can move to the next level and train your bird so that it allows handling.
- Move a single bird to another cage: Most often, finches are kept in pairs. It may be challenging to start handling all the finches at once. So, you begin with moving a single pet bird to a different cage.
- Lay your hand in the finch cage: Once your bird develops a comfort level with you, start using your hand around the cage and finally inside to check for a reaction. In most probability, your pet bird will move away. Repeat it every day, and your bird will become comfortable and start moving closer to scrutinize.
- Give your pet finch a treat: Once your pet finch is comfortable with your hand inside the cage. You may treat your bird with a piece of fruit to induce your pet finch towards your hand. Make a routine till your bird is attracted to your hand every time you place it inside the cage.
- Keep your birdcage in a safe room: Move your finch cage to a secured room before removing your pet finch out from the cage. Please ensure the windows are closed, and there are no pets in the room. You may turn off the fan and switch on the lights for visibility.
- Train your finch to perch: Training a finch may be quite a task, but with patience, help your pet bird follow simple commands or instructions. Hold your finger in front and just above the bird’s feet or perch inside the cage. Encourage your pet finch to step onto your finger. You may hold a piece of fruit to treat your bird for every successful attempt. Practice it a few times daily till your pet bird regularly follows your instructions.
- Remove your pet bird from the cage: Once your pet finch starts perching on your finger, you may remove the bird out from the cage. Your finch may remain perched on the finger, but it may also fly around the room. Even if it flies, don’t try to force the bird inside the cage. You may keep fruits, seeds, or insects inside the cage to entice your pet finch to move back into the cage.
Wow! It looks like a mountain to climb, but you may find it rewarding in the end. Now that you know how to bond with your pet bird, let’s also understand how to ascertain your bonding with your pet finches.
How Do You Know If Your Pet Finches Are Bonded With You?
Like some pet birds, who enjoy their owner’s love and affection, training a pet finch to bond with their owners can be challenging.
However, with the right effort and persistence, you may be able to train and connect with your pet finches.
Once you create a bond, your pet finches will be delighted to see you. They may fly around the cage to grab your attention.
Finches may move towards the cage door to entice you towards them. They may happily respond to your calls, sounds, or whistles with their chirps, tweets, and peeps.
Recommended Further Reading:
- Do Finches Attack Humans? + How To Handle A Finch’s Aggression?
- Are Finches Affectionate? + Do They Like To Be Handled By Humans?
- Do Finches Feed Their Babies? (How Long Can Babies Live Without Food?)
- Do Finches Need To Be Covered At Night (Reasons For Not Covering)
- Do Finches Sleep At Night? + Are They Diurnal Birds?
Finches have great visual and auditory senses that help them recognize their owners.
Although finches are playful and friendly, they mostly connect well with other finches and don’t care too much about their owners.
However, with effort and persistence, you can train your pet bird to respond to your instructions, resulting in a great bond between you and your pet bird.

Hi, There and Welcome to, is here to help you learn and care about pet birds. and this blog is a journal of everything I’ve learned.