If you’re looking to purchase an additional parakeet or new member of your family to add to your home, there’s plenty to think about. In this article, we will look at what to consider before purchasing a new pet. There are Things To Know Before Getting A Parakeet.
If you’ve already thought about or adopted one, you’ve already chosen an appropriate name and picked the location of its cage. You may also have conducted some thorough research on your favorite species before deciding to adopt one.
Before diving into your world as an owner’s possession, it is important to know that there are a lot of aspects to keeping a parakeet that many people do not know until they’ve taken one home.
In addition, most owners see the ownership of a bird to be a greater lifestyle change than they had anticipated.
13 Things To Know Before Getting A Parakeet

Parakeets Are Noisy.
Many people appreciate the sounds of birds chirping. If you’re looking for a quiet pet, then parakeets aren’t the right choice for you. If you enjoy the joyful and bright sound of birds chirping and singing, then this may be the Bird you must buy.
Happy parakeets spend a lot of their time singing and chirping. These chirping and singing sounds can be extremely loud often, and the chattering may be quite noisy if you have more than one parakeet.
Additionally, once the sun rises, your pet is likely to begin chatting immediately. Be prepared to be ready if you’ve planned to keep the parakeet in a particular way. We have provided an excellent guide on why parakeets are so vocal.
Avoid Smoke in the House.
Smoke from cooking or cigarettes or cooking could be fatal for a parakeet. If you regularly use any tobacco products, you may need to leave the house to use them.
When you decide to adopt a pet, it is important to know that a certain distance is necessary from their enclosure and any windows open in the area where they are kept.
It is also essential to cleanse your hands each time you handle your pet after you’ve recently consumed or consumed anything. In addition, the smell that remains on your clothes can make your pet uncomfortable and can hurt their health too.
They Eat More Than Seed.
You may be aware that a large part of birds’ diet tends to be seeded, but for parakeets, you require an extensive diet. Parakeets need fresh fruit and vegetables to keep on top of their health and appearance.
If you feed only seeds, your birds will be susceptible to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues. In addition, birds who eat the seed diet are more likely to have shorter lives than birds who consume a healthy and balanced diet.
It is possible to give your Bird a balanced diet when you know what’s best for their wellbeing. We’ve prepared a complete guide to guide you in feeding a parakeet.
- Do Parakeets Eat Fruits?
- Best Nuts For Parakeets
- What Vegetables Can Be Given To Parakeets?
Plan on Waking Up Early
It is essential to light-block their cage before sleeping. Otherwise, your pet’s parakeets can awake in the morning with the sun. As they awake, parakeets typically make chirping and singing sounds. When a parakeet begins to hear noises from outside, Birds are prepared to start their day with chattering.
Therefore, if you keep your pet inside, make sure you adjust your sleeping schedule to accommodate your pet’s needs. Additionally, your pet will require clean water and food once they get up. Appropriate socialization and play are also needed in the early hours of the morning.
Parakeets Can Be Trained To Talk
The most exciting aspect of adopting a parakeet is being taught to speak. Parakeets can recall and imitate the voices of their relatives and offspring in the wild. Therefore, they can also repeat phrases and words using similar skills but with incredible clarity.
However, training parakeets is likely to take much energy and time. Be sure to purchase the Bird that is a baby because parakeets are much easier to train than adults. Researchers have discovered that males have a greater ability to speak, but females can also be trained to become the best at talking.
Invest in a Good Vacuum
Birds such as parakeets can be rather Messy. But it can be more annoying when you have larger species. Because they are small, parakeets may also scatter feathers and food all over the place.
In many instances, it is also necessary to use a vacuum every day to deal with the continuous flow of particles that can accumulate within the cage of your parakeet.
A quality vacuum that can take all the tiny bits of feathers, droppings, and food particles will simplify your life more manageable in the long run. Additionally, you’ll have the ability and time to complete the job when you vacuum properly.
Parakeets Can Bite
If you’re going to catch an uneasy parakeet, you ought to be prepared to be infected. The parakeet who is afraid or curious is known to bite and draw some blood by its sharp beak. This is why it is important to avoid the parakeet with your hand when the Bird is anxious.
An anxious or scared parakeet is known to bite, especially strangers or people they have not utilized. When cleaning your parakeet cage, make sure you wear sturdy gloves or put them to clean the net.
If you have the time to spare, you could consider teaching your pet to feel comfortable with you and be able to reach you. You can find our comprehensive article on how to help your parakeet become more comfortable with you.
Parakeets Are Best Both For Indoor And Outdoor Living

One of the most appealing aspects of adopting a pet is you don’t have to think about their care. They are appropriate for indoors and out. But, we must be careful not to keep parakeet temperatures as hot deserts or below freezing.
A moderate climate all year round is ideal for maintaining parakeets indoors and outside. Whatever place you choose to keep the birds, ensure that your pets stay clear of bridges and roads.
They should also have access to freshwater to cool themselves and bathe as the temperatures rise. In winter, when it is snowing or below freezing, you should consider keeping your pet indoors and warm.
Plan to Commit Lots of Time and Effort.
Certain species of parakeets can last for up to 30 years. If you have a pet that has not been trained before, you could have to invest lots of time and effort in shaping the character of your pet.
To manage a pet that isn’t socialized, you have to interact with it and work it regularly. Certain parakeets require hours of daily interactions with their human companions, while others require less for their physical and mental wellbeing.
Alongside that, eating a balanced diet is also a time-consuming effort each day. Additionally, cleaning their litter and cage can take time away from you if you don’t plan and prepare correctly.
Interesting Further Reading
- Why My Parakeets Bite Each Other?
- How To Know If Your Parakeet Has Mites?
- How To Interest My Parakeet To Eat Fruits And Vegetables?
Parakeets Can Be A Little Messy.
Because they are smaller birds, parakeets aren’t as messy as larger Birds. However, you may need to work hard to keep them in a closed space. When you keep them inside, they’ll produce some mess, at the very least.
Most of the lot is likely to result from their food habits. In some instances, you may also find some feathers that are not needed to be vacuumed. If you’re giving seeds to your parakeet, take the time to remove the husks before giving them to the Bird.
This will help ensure that the cage is free of clutter most of the time. When parakeets eat seeds, the husks are usually scattered across the floor. A majority of them will end up within the feeder on the cage floor; however, a few end up outside the cage and onto the bed, too.
It is recommended to put on a cover fitted to the base of the cell to prevent seeds and other husks from falling to the floor. It is also necessary to clean the cage of your parakeets to keep them clean and avoid any unpleasant odor.
Parakeets Get Bored Easily.
As with all other birds, they also require companionship. It is crucial to keep your parakeets entertained throughout the daytime hours. Parakeets can get bored quickly and easily. It is essential to have a parakeet companion to help them overcome this, especially if you tend to be very busy most of the time.
You’ll also need to provide them with chewable toys that will provide stimulation for their brains. Decorating their cages with perches, substrates, and many hiding spots can also keep them entertained. Start with just two or three toys initially, and think about rotating each week to keep them entertained.
Beware of cramming too many toys because it can hinder them from flying or moving around properly. Make sure to choose organic toys made from wood that has not been treated as parakeets are also known to chew.
Beware of anything with strings or other loose materials that your pet could get stuck in. Also, do not place any food items that aren’t healthy for your Birds to eat or chew on.
Birds Like Parakeets Are Also Prone To Become One-Person Birds.
Please don’t assume that your Bird can be considered a social butterfly as they’re typically crowd Birds, which also means they may not be a fan at all. Certain species of parakeets are susceptible to becoming one-person birds, especially if one person can interact with and feed them.
If you are looking to get parakeets as families, ensure that everyone is involved and communicates with the Bird to build a healthy social bond. If you don’t have a proper socialization program, more than one person’s participation can cause them to become territorial over one individual. Your pet bird could also start to play favorites, too.
Parakeets Don’t Smell.
The most significant benefit of adopting a bird like this is they do not smell. Parakeets aren’t smelly, but in poor hygiene, their cages will develop the smell of rotten eggs. Parakeets cannot produce any scents that are detectable to humans in any way.
Additionally, if their enclosure is clean and they’re maintained in good health and cleanliness, There’s no reason your parakeets will ever emit a smell. If you smell something emanating from your Bird, it is most likely because something inside their cage is becoming rotten or has not been cleaned. A filthy cell or uncooked food begins to stink if not cleaned regularly.
In rare instances, the parakeets may start to emit a bad smell. If it is, you must have your pet examined by a veterinarian as quickly as possible. The smell coming from the Bird could indicate that something is wrong.
I’ve done my best to provide all the information that you should think about before adopting a parakeet at your house. The 13 points listed here are important for anyone thinking about adopting a parakeet at home for the first time. We have other useful resources for parakeets and their needs.

Hi, There and Welcome to BirdsNews.com, is here to help you learn and care about pet birds. and this blog is a journal of everything I’ve learned.